17 November, 2007

Friday Nite - and yes, that's Army Medic

Went to Lanigans. What a nite. We were out w/lots of people - Originally went w/ GF and Good Kixx, but since Lanigans is sorta like Cheers- walk in and I immediately know 10 people (last nite 25)- we hung w/ lots. One of these frenz was chatting up an old almost-lover (never happened) when his present girlfriend suprisingly walked in. A Situation.

Batten down the hatches, lite and noise discipline, general quarters - it was for me to try to defuse the situation that had he potential to become a non-kool situation- jealousies abounding for no real reason. Now, nothing was going on-however, some present lovers are driven nuts by old lovers of their present lover- even though they never even kissed etc.

It was on my shoulders to defuse. Imm. started talking to the girl (she was @ our table for the moment- she was making the rounds) to take the heat off. Funny too- his girlfriend is one of those who loves public displays of affection- although I'm sure the PDA's meaning was "HEY- THIS ONE'S MINE- NE TOUCHEZ PAS!! " Friend explained it that girl was his hairdresser- truth.

The topper was when the girl went out to her car to get a 750 ML bottle of - this is true- Paddy Flaherty's Whisky. Bet it's the best sauce ever. I went out to get it, and we talked to her friend Mattaeo Jenke fer a bit. Lovely. But this was also good because it established that she was a friend of mine as well.
Again= my friend is not seeing Matteao (yeah, that's gotta be her name from here on out), has not cheated on his girlf. w/ someone else (I'd know), is not planning on it- but sometimes old loves and new loves do not mix.
For me, it was "once more into the breach". Again, I did my duty.
A note to single men: The women @ Lanigans on a Friday nite- karoke nite- are incredibly outgoing. We had a constant stream of bubbly young women 'interupting' us to talk. Like me, Goodkixx has a bigtime girlfriend, and he said to me "Man, where was all this when I was single?" Funny. I realise I should get to-gether people to come here one of these days (of the non southsiders, I believe only Vito and Rocky have been here. North Side Irish has been to Keegans, as well as those two. Who am I missing?

I am presently missing Dragon and Jimie, who have been to both. Sandra, who hung a couple of times in Lanigans. Nas A. had a drinxx in Keegans. Has not Issac as well? And Lazers? 50th and California will always take precident over whereever else you have lived since 1989- you don't count in this.

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