28 July, 2007

Klas all over the place...klas.1

Saw the smorgasbord of songs and stuff of the 21st of July. There was a bunch of different groups-- well, four would be that bunch-- in the ‘happening’ @ Klas Restuaraunt. It was pretty kool- a bunch of the musical people who were in the same secondary school --L.T.-- @ the same time-- middly- 80’s-- reupping for another concert. This time not in somebodies basement but on main street Cicero.

The last happening @ Klas (insert link) occurred in the beer garden. This time it was a super done concert review, so it was held in one of the many rooms and chambers and passages and outbuildings in the Klas Komplex. The room was perfect.

I came in midst of the first act. They sounded pretty good, though I could judge not their songs fairly- never heard before.

Bully Pulpit spake next. Ah, there was a bit of murkiness about some parts, but its progression. The sound was zippy; Gf pointed out their sound system mita not been 100%, but I sense it’s just them beginnings times. Sing louder. Sing prouder.

They played my favourite B.P. song, yellownadbluemakegreen, which was treat to hear live- but needed work. Gotta sound crisper. A wonderful homes pop song, “oo la la…” was my best song of the set- sounded as good as it did the first time I heard it live. Sing louder. But what I wanted to hear still didn’t come for me: they have that stunningly great lick but they refuse to use it as anything more than a PART of a song. My mind tells me to build the whole track around this one beat, instead of hiding it worthless. Play it LOUD!

The Placard Pups- Err, Poster Children- had a bit of a rockfest- I’ve seen them several times before, but I’d have to say this was rockingest time. They always play loud. My favourite song is the talker between Rose and javabro.

J.A.V.A. himself played in both Bully Pulpit and Pkids. I noticed funny about J.A.V.A.: I’m sure it’s been said, but the his stage demeanor fluctuated with the rocking guitar in Placards Cards and the “I’m no longer a guitar hero” bass play hidden behind in Bull Pen Plummets.

National Trust was the shocker. Per usual , they opened with a 25-30m jam*, but with a jam that I have never heard before. Crank faced out the fucking jace via the jumbomatron keystacks he was partially hidden behind*, there was a drummer ( who is-- ready?-- really good, and I love listening to) and Pfenning on Pfguitar. This song, really loud and funky, arrested us all. It was great, a real treat. I generally know this bannds songs, so this was a real shock.

The second song was also a long song. That is all I remember.

There then occurred a most funny moment. After this ten minute song rite after a 15m song was over, Rocky yelled out-Hey do you have any shorter songs?, which I thought fantastically funny. He got a lot of laughs from all his frenz- I bet if I’d yelled it out, I’d’ve only gotten a Crank smirk.

Shockingly, all we were to get was one last song- but again, since this song was another 15m’er, it made for a 40-45m concert. Also shockingly, it featured Crankguitar- yes, really. I will admidt I’ll follow the sun wherever my artistfrenz lead me, but I sorely miss Crankguitar. I missed it so much I was plotting a massive revival of it myself-- all my wonderful plans and getting people to act and film and walk and all that was also centered about getting cf to cut some guitar skerranging……….I’m saying that I was much surprised to see him guitar it.

*=no I’m not serious

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