20 May, 2008

Starling mess

So, my saved starlings in an improvised nest have shitted the place nasty. It is not their normal sort of nest, so whatever instinctive way they have of keeping their nest clean doesn't translate to the flower box they find themselves in now.

Rite after school yesterday I stopped first to check in on them. Shit everywhere. I had brought paper to pad their nest better,but it was needed to change their environment. They freaked out a bit -after trying to hide and be quiet, one of them made to escape their box. So here I was, two score and two up ten foot in a tree, struggling to catch a several ounced prefledgling bird. He fell, but luckily was caught in the crook of the tree and I was able to grab him.

Today I am going with warm water and a towel and clean them off and clean the nest. Until they can leave it, I probably need to visit and clean it. No biggy. I'll be glad when the parents become empty nesters.


ElPato said...

They don't look happy in that box. Maybe if you put some leaves and sticks in with them?

Hilts said...

I will. Today I am going to wash them quickly in warm water, rip up paper into shreds, and also maybe grass, leaves, or a clean washcloth.

Agin - I think that they need only another 10d or so before they are fully safe.

They'll get some attention to-day. The box is there just 'cause when I found them, i had to get them off the ground .