12 May, 2008

Olde Western Avenue

Just south of Chicago is a city that is older than it - Blue Island. They have a kool section of Western Avenue, called Olde Western Avenue, which is a rump street that used to be part of the cities "Main Street" downtown - the Walking City most beautiful. Olde Western Avenue, on the south side of the canal, was cut off years ago from it's northern side when they built a huge new bridge (over the canals that through Blue Island) that united the north part of Western with a new section south of the river that bypassed what is now called "Olde Western Avenue". Here, read the article itself.

Been to Olde Western Avenue a lot. Blue Island, very close to my crib, is a funky suburb w/ a bit of a bohemian vibe. Although it also has a slummy vibe as well - once BCD and I were returning from a nite out when we got pulled over. We had no idea, but it turned out that since we made a strange turn, they thought we were looking for street drugs.

Blue Island makes me think of several stories, some pitiful, some awesome. Girls, mainly.

Story the lessor. I'd been out w/ Afrika Korps in '02 and we were out for a drink early on - maybe third date. We were sitting @ a table - me w/ a cider, her w/ her wine - and were filling out some work she needed to get done. It was an assignment she had to finish for her library class which entailed reading 150 childrens books and writing reviews for each one. She enlisted me and of course I was more than happy to help my new love. So, tabled @ one of the taverns on Olde Western, we were thinking more play than work. But, we had to get something done and have a drink or two before. I was dictating a review of one book (Andy Buckram's Tin Men) and was tryng to classify one of the characters relationship - a girl - to Andy. Afrika Corps laughingly called them 'lovers', which gave us snickers. Of course - we were classifying ourselves. A wee bit later, we had another laugh - her 'complaining' how hard it was to concentrate because of the level or 'sexual tension' presently coursing though us @ that moment. It was fun while it lasted. She eventually broke my heart, and when I took the same class the following summer (that she was presently taking) I dragged out the notes from that nite and used them for my 150 books.

Story the better. Naught to do with me. BCD BCD used to go out w/ Ms. Hattie herself. Now understand, normally talking about how sexy yr frenz girlfriend is can get one in trouble. However, it's not the case here. Hattie was famous amongst the frenz I grew up with because of her stunning beauty. And she knew she was hot as well - you should have seen the skintite dresses this young lady used to wear when she went out. We all loved her.

But the story here goes that after a late dinner on Olde Western Avenue 15 years ago - where the street runs into a darkened dead end (where it used to cross the river rite outside the Maple Tree Inn - BCD had Hattie-- oh, he had her--bent over, in one of those skintite outfits she had to be poured into, her hands holding the chain link fence which preventing drunks from falling into the river, rite there.

I mean rite there, as well. It was late, it was in the shadows, but it was also basically rite off the street. See the included pictures? Top one : where the street runs into that bridge - just to the right. Again, just to the right in the bottom picture. Rite outside the restuaraunt. Against the chain link fence. Rite on the street. A car or passerby @ any moment. Kool.

BCD was always daring. Ridicilously so many times -his stories...... And her; remember, she was one of the sexiest things ever - and one has to salute the complete daring that comes into her performing this sort of street art. Shit, we'd do it anytime, but it's cool when women like beiing artist as well. Also - I've seen people having sex before - lots of times, even,- but I will amidt that that would have been quite the site.

Bless Olde Western Avenue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat, Ms. "Hattie" here. Why, I had no idea I was so well liked and yes, I did enjoy all those encounters with the deliciously sexy man I was dating then. BCD e:mailed me, yes, we stay in touch - no not that kind of touch - we remain good friends and the memories will live on forever! I do miss all of Mr. BCD's friends, almost as much as I miss him.