01 December, 2007

friday nite in out-rainbos / who said i lied to her ?

Went homeafter school, but then had to ring around all the way back to school area to collect Gf and push my nose into out school's first basketball game (we are ranked hi in the city and should be an interesting year- I am for sure going to pay more att'n to high school B-Ball this year- not like it was 1996 again, but this year I will go to about 30-40 games total= a few tournements, a few of the big games, and a steady diet of my school's games).

We had a trip up north so I could once again ride the Soyuz system. Gf and I decided to eat litely, and we got a 2-1 coupon from a hot dog place that we used. The guys working the stand misread it and gave us lots of extra off, and I wanted to correct them-----but jenke had roughed me up enough that I was not able to say "Hey- you got it wrong..."... so I left them a nice tip to allow it to say sorry for my non speachedness.

Then onto Dragons. We ate there and planned a bit for the party. Oh, that's rite: we are having the party finally. Seems that Vito will be in town during the xmasbreak, so that's a great excuse to pull it out. Talked to Gallo and Crankface, and they will both be in the States for that weeked. Talked to Curtis, and he's a go. Talked to Rocky, and he informed us that since he will be a father by that point, all bets are off..... Dragon had sent out a circular email to That Crowd (the Young Guard, so to speak) on Saturday, and we are waiting on that (NOTE TO THOSE WHO RECIEVED DRAGONS EMAIL SATURDAY=WE'D LIKE A REPLY ASAP, SIRS!!!). Last party was so good, this will be better.

Went to Rain. This is a pic.

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