31 December, 2007

Hubris (or, '16 peoples', or 'I'm taking my toys...') / 29 December, 2007

Well, we tried. If we'd billed it as a welcome back get together for the returning Vito, it woulda been a great success. However, we gambled for a party, and we lost. And I'll take full blame. So to Dragon, who depended on me a lot= sorry. To Vito and Drawina, who left a kick ass party to come to ours, ooops!! And to everyone else who expected a greater time, I know.

But it was a nice piece of community. Guitars and Gunners were there, Johnny playing music when Dragon wasn't. BCD brought up two Marquette Park dudes. I'm sure BCD told them it would be a fun nite. Jimmy Shoo came up from Indy, as did Liz Bustamente (thanks for the 30 CDs, girl!). Curtis, w/out any of the hot chixx he's always known for. Latecomers were Gallo, Crankface, and Patience. Vito and darwina were the last. With the two hosts and GF, there were 16 people there. Hmm.
And I blame myself. I was under the delusion that I know so many people , that if I announced "Party!! " that they would all fall out. Nope. I realise that the season and age bear a lot of responsibility, but I honestly thought that I had the touch.........Touch of Hubris, more like it.

The big fault of mine was the scheduling. I have a longstanding policy of no Halloween or News Years Eve Parties, because they are always hard draws since there are so many of those types of parties @ the same time. However, I just didn't give enough slack to the fact that a lot of people were busy during these times. Gallo's always had a party around this date every year, and they were always kick ass. However, this year just too many people were out of town who had made the last party a success. Nine people from the Snowden-Vampire-Sunshine-Smokytreats line were outta state this party. Another big contributer from last time didn't show. Kinda gutted the party.............. and I shoulda known better.

Well, there was an example of a party gone rite lately- the Halloween party from the boys @ Spaulding (By the way, thanx fer the lending of the lites and smoke). Single Men. And I'm under the real fear that Dragons and I's party from the weekend mite be the last in the long line of PARTIES- not cookouts or dinners, but a PARTIES- in the differing lines of frenz.


Double reeasons. People are too old and coupled up nowadays. Age takes a deep toll on all of us. It's hard to answer the door, let alone leave the workweek behind to celebrate with fenz.

And then there's that couple thing. I'll freely amidt I was always deeply snideful of the couples who dissapear into their relationships for the time of immersion. (((That time @ the beginning of coupledom where people go "Say, how come they don't hang out ever more??"))). It seems the avg. time of immersion is about 14m or so before the attempts to reintegrate themselves into their frends lives start. Since more than anything parties for me were always , how to say, sexual bazaars (in an easy, not harsh, reading of the term). If everone has their tv and husband, fuck going out. I still have a... whats the word?..........need to help......my single frenz connect, so parties are something of a concern for me, but in reality......
Now, of course, I've been terminally coupled up, and possibly ready to forget my knee pants as well. Excepting for the boys of Spaulding, this party almost certainly was the last party (no, not cookouts. no. not dinners.) to be thrown in any of my circles of frenz. Besides Spaulding.

It's just so hard to throw parties anymore, in this adult life. The batteries of the calculators of social life round here are finally going out of style. Even I, the greatest tilter of windmills, think so. And I'm ready for that next step in life- but boy those knee pants fit so well forever.
Unless, of course, Dragon tosses a party in the summer...........wait, didn't I just say I'm opting out of the knee pants stage of my life finally????


Anonymous said...

The party was good. The Marquette Park "dudes" enjoyed themselves as did I. Thanks.

Baywatch said...

don't forget the knee pants.

Hilts said...

properly balance the wearing of knee pants and pantaloons regular