20 December, 2007

The Greatest of all Thin Lizzy Songs / there was a time and a place

It was a different and desperate time = it was one of those times in my life I can only call Battle Time. Desperate losses on the girlfriend front, production centers wrecked by enemy fire bombing, factories destroyed, civilization morale dissolved = but there was a future, we knew there was a future, we looked to that future, we fought for that future. Throughout the lines, amongst the foxholes and machine gun pits, behind anti tank positions and sniper posts, one could hear us singing this song, again and again, as we reminded ourselves to remain trim and conseve ourselves for the long campaigns to some. We may have been losing the battle, but we knew we had to win the War. For several months @ end of '92 and beginning of '93.

The girl was Madonna, and the reintroduction agent for the song I'm sure was that guy who shared Gallo's and Hilt's first name- either he or Vito. Still does, though his daily habits seem only to be known by Munson these days.

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