25 December, 2007

secondshadows// sunday and monday before Christmas


Watched the Bears. Liked the game. Nice when they win, the all time winning percentage and all that. Gf came over and we went to the local mass. Dry-docked like the one the Pennsylvania was in.


Had to get that best of presents, skates, for Gf. This was such a great idea from me- I’m quite proud of it. She has wanted to go skating for a long time, but we’ve never gotten it to-gether. Skate rentals are so much, actually having skates will be an inducement to using them. My nephew has a pair I can borrow, so I’m set. I knew she’d get a kick out of them.
Wanted to get a specific type @ a specific store, and drove all the way out to get it- only to discover that they were out. I was faced with the terrible choice of not having the center piece gift for her or a cheap pair- I chose to have a cheap pair. I was saddened and kicking myself for not handling it beforehand.

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