11 December, 2007


Waiting till this class ends, so i can go back the the library to see if THAT is the place I left the NYT. Then , I will look about the front desk in my continuing vain attempt to get the CPS insurance card I needed this morning.
Forget about ewhat I lost last nite- I found it after getting up out of the chair I was working in, went downstairs three times and out to the car once and then giving up and sitting back down in the exact chair I was working from- there it was.
We had a student librarian in this fall, and one of her jobs was to remind me where to go. She often remarked when I tizzied about the library looking for whatever I had just left down "here we go again".
Last year same thing. We had a retired librarian in, and she woulf remark on my tizzies about looking...
Mom, Gf, same thing. Not fair to them. Not fair to me, anymore. last nite was the "....... fuck man.....fuck...... well, one more time into the breach"
I've written a brave poem on this= well, four lines. Now, and seriously, when I track it down, I will repost it here. But until then.......

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