08 December, 2007

the capital ship

Went abord the capital ship Jackson on Pearl Harbor Nite to pipe out of the Port of Chicago one of its most outstanding naval officers, Adm. Bball. A swell of shipmates from anchorages world wide assembled to see his flag lowered and stored, awaitng his new command in D.C.
We partied on the capital ship. In naval parlance, a capital ship is one of the heavy important ships. Well, the first para of wiki puts it succicentest:

The capital ships of a navy are its "important" warships; the ones with the heaviest firepower and armour. There is usually no formal criterion for the classification, but it is a useful concept when thinking about strategy, for instance to compare relative naval strengths in a theatre of operations without having to get bogged down in the details of tonnage and gun diameters. A capital ship is generally a leading or a primary ship in a fleet.

This ship has most of the chaacteristics of the typical capital ship: massive tonnage, the impressive built up superstructure, and the wide beam designed to be a stable gun platform. All that is missing is the outsized guns. It was nice enjoying the nite outside along all the external walkways winding themselves about the bridge. No enemy fleet showed up to wrek the festivities.
Bball's DC move has a lucrative aspect to it- he's entering a company that's in the process of buying lots of debt till it's assets run in the $billions. True. He was excited and explaining it all- he'll do real well.

The drunk crowd was drinking drinking. Not all, though. It was noticed by some how many regular debauchers were not in their regular trim. But there were plenty of sloshed. The SP's shoulda came and hauled off some of the scaley wags into the brig. Like me. I drank. No guiders, but plenty of champaign and wine. Did the bubbly first, then broke into the white wine. I forget the name of the vino, but like the guy who asked the father of the bride @ Cana 'why'dja break out de good stuff when all dees fux are already drunk?' : this white wine (Zinfendel, n'est pas?) was reallt tasty. I stopped drinking for a while, but the while was so long I drank more of the tasty stuff. Tasty tasty.

Lots were there. F.ex., almost the entire staff of dcs were there (those who we suspect were sucked up to Mars to have their brains vacated- well, that'd be K- was not there. Rumours of two other mystery dcs staffers who hav written their best stuff on the toilet have never deigned to deliver any script yet. Puss. ). Seven strong. Baptise and bro, anfernee & da vife, da vide & da vife, -3d Eliot and his parents, fitz and da vife, and Patience.....senators and bankers and doctors and lawyers.

What I say also was a very, this is strange to write, multicultural crowd. What a mix. And of course it was a natural gathering of frenz. America isn't so bad.

And the food. Although Bonnaix tried to jokingly take credit for the food, Jackson was the true cook. His galley is Locomotive!! (Oops!! caught in the 19thC. His galley is Atomic!! Uhh, Uhh, ...... it's.........great!!) I wasn't hungry going in, having had a few drinx with the teachers. But eventually I realised that I'd better eat before it was all scarfed down. Good Indian food- don't ask the names- it was the...chicken in yellow sauce, then the brown meat....tonnes of rice...ochre. It was outstanding, and all chowed down. I was lucky I woke up in time to get a plate before it dissappeared gone.

Jackson was fitted himself out in new duds, so to me go some choice clothes. Periodically I get an eclectic choice of additions to my wardrobe from him. Some stuff is superior- my 60%/year leather is from him. I have impressive amounts of shit he gave me from the early 90's and before.

But what of this haul? First , the small stuff: three shirts. One, very "Puffy shirt" style. The other, what exactly I needed to target the next time I'm @ Marshalls=a white, non button down collar, white shirt. Saved me $20 rite there. nd the third a very attractive dress shirt. But the best was the pinstriped suit. Shit nice. I do so wish to peg the legs more my style, but Jackson advised against for interviews. But I want to. Got two other suits as well- one maybe just for movies, and the other real nice. I will peg that one.

Sailed the Strasser home late, collapsed exhausted done.


Sinbad the Sailor and Tinbad the Tailor and...............

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