19 December, 2007

Mom's new hair cut

Came home yesterday late- my school has a pretty good basketball team so I figured i'd get a taste of my mid 90's obsession (no, not girls wearing....wait, more on that another day...) and stay @ school late: high school basketball. Now is not the time nor place for this (but soon- I've some time off soon, and a number of things to go into- but ya gotta wait until things like planning lessons and grading papers lessons...), but when I got home, it was to a good site= Mom with energy and pep.

She's been very energy less lately. I know: she's 85, and the touchy march of time tells on us all. However, in the past 2-3 m, it seems like a lot of energy has gone. Don't worry= she's not in a bad state- butI notice. I'm starting to have to pick up around the house- the small things she used to do are now not done. for example, I get the Nyt and I get her the S-T and Trib= lots of paper around the house every day. She used to gather it all up in the mornings to make way for the new paper- now I do it the nite before to spare her the energy. On Tuesday, i got home and Mom asked me what was for dinner. Gf and I both agreed- she'd been home all day when sister and I were working, why didn't she do it? It's obvious that she doesn't have the energy.

And I'm worried that it may be the state of her kids that is leading to this. Sister.4 seems just about to get married- maybe- and I'm in the long term deal w/ Gf. It's possible that she realizes that her job of parenting is finally lapsing itself of it's responsibilities (and yes, there's no denying= this double score kid is just that= a kid) and she can start relaxing. I'm not sure, but I think...

Don't worry, again. We all fade in the end. And it's not like she falling down. But, it's obvious; age is really starting to take its toll.

1 comment:

AmyB said...

Yer ma's haircut looks very nice. Now do the kind lady a favor and pick up yer own papers!