06 January, 2009

Goodbye twice so far...

Niece.1 is going to Rome Center for the semester. Back when I was an undergraduate @ the same school, the thought of traveling to Rome for a whole semester seemed crazy. I was a bit of a ...... backwards sort. Now, of course, I know- but back then , it seemed an extravagance. Again.....now I know...

But, we are losing her for six months, and that is a little hard to take. No - it's great to go to Rome, and I would be disappointed if she didn't go. But - it's still gonna be hard to miss her.

She leaves today. We have been busy celebrating her part in the family lately w/ a series of so-long soirees. Little dinners. On the first Saturday of the new year we had pizza for everyone except Sister.4 who had to work. I have written before about how much I enjoy having the kids over. Plus, I used two 2-1, so I got the pizza for 1/2 price. Nice.

She is one of the new staff members of dcs as well now - and she writes, unlike the rest of us slobs (i'll be doing more, soon - as soon as the movie s off my back - and yes, progress is noted by me). It's funny that rite when she starts writing, she goes - but that simply means we have a Rome correspondent now. and Good. I have thought up ideas for her to write on over there.

On Monday, we took her out again.. This time it was to 115 bourbon Street, a huge massive entertainment barn that is near my house. I'd been there the 19th December, but this time it was to eat w/ Gf, Niece.1, and Mom. It's a big deal to get Mom out of the house, so any time she agrees to go out is a big deal. She couldn't say no to 'so long to your oldest niece', so we struggled her into the car and back. The seat we sat @ was on a raised platform - this was also negotiated well.

Talked to Vito and asked him tips for her because he was in Rome Center (yes, Rocky, I realise that I should ask you as well). Of course the first thing he said was "Sleep w/ as many Italian men as possible" and then amened that to include "Italian women" as well. His other advices revolved around getting off campus and making sure she sees the real Italy. It would be possible to never leave campus the entire time she's there.

And boy do I worry. When they were younger, the worry was getting hit by a car or something. Now the worries revolve around aggressive boys. When yr girls get old enough, you'll know. But, hey - I managed to fight of kidnappers - well, i didn't end up in whatever South American glue factory I was intended for - when I put up a magnificent defence in Market Garden 1.

Wait, shit - I lost that battle, and I lost it in spades. I worry for my girl. But, also, wish her Good Luck.

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