18 January, 2009

St. Sabina

Father Pfleger is a real favourite of mine. No, not all whatever - don't try to ghettoize me- but it seems each Sunday now, via the divine thing called the internet - i'm listening in each Sunday's (not live for me .....yet.... ) sermon. About an hour long each Sunday.

Catholic, American, Chicago = I deeply share all three - but along with these that I share, I also wonderously wonder @ all that I do not share w/ those also listening in to Father Pfleger - in the pews of a church in a very different -in cetain contexts- neighbourhood than mine.

I hear and feel the difference, but it's never the differences that strike me. The differences always just better allow me to see the similarities. They really do.

Like all else - so glad my parents didn't stop in Manister or Kilronan or Galway or Dublin or London or Leeds or Manchester or New York or Boston - this place is nice.

Todays was on Barrack and the very real idea that this is but a step and not a culmination - and that we gotta watch him and when he doesn't do the Lords Work -we have to call him on that.

Every Sunday, now. My God bless you, and may God Bless America.

What - don't like the guy? Try some context, instead of what the telly fixes up for you to digest - listen to the man yourself.

Context is Eveything.

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