17 July, 2008

Nite action off Guadacanal

Went to the dentist, on Monday, that is, and recieved a severe bill of damages:
three teeth ave to be pulled
two teeth to be recapped (most exensive!!!)
four cavaties to be dealt with
Deeply deplorable this terrible inaction re: my teeth.
And it was to a new dentist. My old dentist was a good guy, but since his main business was dentures I was sure that the amount of teath being taken out of my face was related to him wanting to fit me out w/ dentures in the future. Plus, two fucking caps he ut in broke eventually. I'd originally went to him because he was w/in walking distance in my pre Strasser days. Time for a change.
So, asked one of the other librarians and one of the media center aides who they had. The librarian said she went w/ who the aide suggested - good enough for me. It's in a strange place, as well - rite unde the Dan Ryan on 26th in one of those areas that the expressway cut through and totally altered.
$1000 total. Not bad, in context of me.

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