28 July, 2008

On the eve of a doubletooth extraction

Soon the ripping
shall come to my face
the tearing and the pulling
will be my grace

for the next day finally
will arive the time
when tooth shards finally
depat fr'all time

till then pills and oral gel
deadening the time
until the pliers finally
happen by

then work will quicken
needles injected inside
all sorts of tugging efforts
to produce the lovely holes in my mouths side.

For a few days or so
red saliva blood will flow
from those new lovely holes
as they slowly close

Penetrating Pulse pain then diminishes
and my spit returns transluccent from rose
pills and gels set aside
as the holes slowly close

regular life then commences again
shedded of this eternal ache
my teeth happy and healthy again

1 comment:

Hilts said...

boy, i didn't realise, pretty bad