04 July, 2008

Frank Lloyd Wright

Fer a bit, we wanted to walk around the F.L. Wright area in Oak Park. We have an attraction to his house in Rogers Park, and have seen Robie House in Hyde Park. I'd gotten a good Wright book from the lib., and we follwed the map. Very kool. @ first I felt like a tourist, but after a bit we - well, I - settled down.

We saw 15 houses or so. We didn't exhaust Oak Park - or the Wright district, tell you the truth - of Wright houses, so we will return. But we spent about three hours walking about inspecting the different places. We went from Chicago Ave. to the Lake Street business District where we took a food break.

Funny now I know- -Gr really likes houses. Since she was a homemaker for many years she has an eye on houses - and she went wilde. She loved looking @ these places. It would be fun to live in one, I bet.

The first picture is a house right on Chicago Ave., and it's next to another house of his. The block has another. We got to look @ the front and both sides of ths house. It's an example -I am no expert, and all knowledge was gleaned in last few days - of his earlier house designs - huge barnlike roofs.
Along Chicago Avenue is his house -early design- he lived in for a long time. We were really skitterish for a bit, bt themw ere ambling about the property. His Home is in the National Trust and not a private home, so we didn't feel too bad. Then we noticed the other side of the house -a big house, and unknown to us on the other side - they were conducting tours. So, we were ok in wandeing - many were. Impressive house.

The second picture is of a dominating corner building. What did she call it? Gaudy? Sure. Very intricit. I love the bathroom windows. It's on a giant plot of land, and they have a huge yard. Seems that the property used to be even larger - across a modern alley is the old stable an garage for the house - now residences -i think.

Again, look @ the huge roof. Huge and barnlike - early style. I'm so smug I have some new knowledge. From observing, too - there's such a vast difference between older/newer designs. This house burnt in '23, and he redesigned the upper floors.

The last foto is of his modern design. Low slung roofs. Huge porches. I guess around 1900 his house designs changed. I really liked this house best of the 15 we saw. Love it. It's also on a huge patch, and it would be fun to have a nice garden. Maybe rules and such against it. The second pictured house has grape vines along a wall, so...

Fun time. Gf wanted to go fer a long while, and since there are a few Wrights in this area, we'll go see some again. Should get'r a book on the Oak Park Wrights. Good.

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