24 June, 2007

"Summer Jenks"

There is an explanation. I blame it on summer. Thought there would be an explosion of work from me the instant work failed this summer, but instead there has been a lot of……..staring off into space. I’m always lazy, and the releasing of the 9-4.30 for the last week has devasted my work habit. Remember those heady days of a month ago when I was bursting with so much stuff to write? I have scant responsibilities now: Gf and make the cafĂ© the nite before- but my other great responsibility- what yr reading- has suffered. There is a diffenence betwixt me awake @ 10am and a live computer in front of me and waking @ noon and having to walk to the lib. to get online. Rattle mouth me likes dash offs- much easier and ’out with it’ simply.
I know who to blame: Matt Jenke!! And I though he was a friend!! But he’s to blame, or , rather, I.

So, lame updates from the past fortnites life.

Civic nature

Tomatoes are the Kings. Four. Strong as Arnold, and it’s not even close to July yet. Maybe my best ever.
Speaking of best ever, what of the brussel sprouts? Looking good.
And the mixed results for the peas. They have a pest- its my funny wunny wittle wabbit that’s been growing in front of my eyes this summer. Fucker- I’m sure it’s him- has been killing the peas. Solution is to criss cross it with barriers so that it looks like the Normandy beaches in ‘44. Obsticle course no rabbit can squeeze itself through. Either that or invest in giant fences for the sensitive areas (no one eats tomatoes, fex)- shouldn’t be that expensive.

I’ve also figgered a new plan to

Again remember when; my yard was to be awash in baby robins and humming buzzing birds nectaring up the flowers?? Robins nest fell during one of those very heavy storms we had recently- byr byr birdies. And that one visit by the hummeringbird last month turned out to be it so far. Double bust bad.

It’s like I’m in school. I’ve written a bit back that ‘m trying to set a course of study that will hopefully make me a Spanish speaker in 2y or so- it’s going well. I figger I study about 2-3h a day- yes, 2-3h a day- and would even go further but realise that I don’t want to burn myself out. It’s going really well, though. Maybe I should take classes, but for now this is good. I have decided that in absence of a real job this summer, I will study Spanish the 2-3 h a day that I have been.

Artistic Output
Well, the blog has been a disaster for 2w now, but the plan was to use the summer to really write a lot. Added to the regular blog stuff was going to be-- will be-- a short story or something longer and strecher than the gluff that makes it’s ways in these pages. Oh, and all the plans for films- the 1000’s and 1000’s of ideas that I was bursting with in terms of cinema? Still on. Iv’e decided to make a number of short, 1--15s films that deal with only me and Hitler and shit. Because I have to label everything, these short films will be under my Mercury Productions. Mercury will include film, original music (think Neu), maybe a performance piece or six*.

Funny thing about the films. I’ve written before about the tremendous amount of good will felt by me because of the blog from lots of people (or, just in general- the human being is the greatest invention god ever made -well done, jesus- I just love sending God some love). To throw the spainard in the works, I’ve already asked Dragon to be my main camera guy, especially for the Mercury part. I understand that eventually I’ll know the whole deal uside down, but for now…… When Mercury Productions turns into Gemini Productions, then I’m going to need to cash in all that good will in the form of- actors and actresses, ideas, film scores, more camera angels, locations. For some projects I can use my neices and nephews etc… I feel the good will and, as ‘we’re all frenz here’, will try to cash in on it. Be ready this summer. And remember, in my productions, there is only one star: Hilts. Don’t get any ideas.

*=Dr. X interlude trivia had been weighing on me for years now. Lazers has an old old Dr. X wrestling mask that I have always wanted to bring into trivia one nite. I’d play the part of a wrestler, complete with constant ripping off of t shirts, flexing 100,s of times, yelling @ the other teams, calling the host not by his name but “Mcmahon” like jesse ventura did back in the day. Well, we could talk about this for years, like I have, or…………


Anonymous said...

I'm not appearing in any of your videos, or any videos. i just don't believe in the fancy video for MTV to get more people to read the blog. just don't like it- i won't play the reord companies games....sorry, Virgil.

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for all yr great film work, M. LeContre

Anonymous said...

I'm sagging!

Anonymous said...

growing hemlock?

Anonymous said...

I call dibs on the brussell sprouts. Me and cranks had a dish of those a few weeks ago that I'd like to recreate some Sunday.

Hilts said...

They take forever. It'll be until, say, mid august before there is a decent crop of them.