25 June, 2007

punk rock fer starters, 1980 summer

I was the biggest Stones dude in both grammer and hs. No one. Even close. Also: I loved the Beats, Who, Kinks, Yardbirds, Hermins Hermits, Jimi, and...........um, well, as I graduated SRgs in summer 1980 this would be my music. Classic. Then there was the various Irish folk and whatever pop I let myself enjoy. There were many musical lines not to be crossed in those days- a feeling that only fully left me 2, say, 20.

Went to Ireland for a month that summer, and I came back the nacesent punk rocker. What had changed was that my sisters (esp Z#4), old enough to be into WXRT (it was 1980, guys, not 2007)and had a slitely different take on music. No XRT in IRE, so they taped some of thier favourite LP's on cassette and took them overseas.

What caught my ear was Nick Lowe's "Pure Pop For Now People" (aka "Jesus of Kool" in Europe). Stunningly good 1st side, good 2d side: one of my favourite LP's instantly. Although "Cruel to be kind" was a radio hit, This LP opened me up to the fact that not all good music came from the 1960's and that there are new artists you haven't heard of coming out each day. very empowering.

Plus i can't escape the fact that I'm a wee bittine of a Freak. I like to be different. Methinks that a big attraction to the music was that no one else listens to this shit. There were scant few punks in my hood growing up. None, in fact. My early influences were older sisters and my cousins in Manchester. Funny. They'd say "Hey- you've heard the Buzzcocks, rite?" and shit like that, and instantly i'd run out to get it. But it was Nick Lowe that showed me a window of otherness that i was quick to exploit.

Nick lowe has a new LP out. No LP was as good as Pure Pop, but the following Lp's were good for 3-4 songs- some excellent. I've been listening to his latest online, and its the same: 3-4 good songs, but trite as well. However: I do owe the debt.

New song of his that's the best: "People Change"


Anonymous said...

Nah- yr not allowed to call yrself a punk. Nick lowe?? Go back to listening to the Stones, conformist.

Anonymous said...

I just don't get listening to artists like him. I'm tired of softies like you talking loud and proud. Please stop calling yrself a punk.

Anonymous said...

It NEVER ceases to amaze me how these middle class punchkins with their FUCKING university education and their future all set to work for the government has the aduicity to calll himself a punk. Did you ever get the feeling you've been cheated??

Anonymous said...

I think Nick's great!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Nick's cool, but I think I prefer Bruce Cockburn.

Anonymous said...

Lowe? Yeah, I played on that album.