07 June, 2007

It's now 19y.o. college players I play soccer with now

Neice.1 seems to be the most mature and grown up of the kids. She's kid 2 of 8, but seems the best 'older sibling' and watches out for mom big time. Good kid, amongst ther best.

She watches out for me as well. She plays with kids that she went to school with or played on someteam or other with. They had pickup games all last summer, but the pace seems to have picked up now. They'r'll all 19 or so, and very easily could kick my ass playing soccer.

Now, when neice.1 was enterting high school, I was still better then her- something about outweighing her by 70lb means a lot. But I always thought that by the time she graduates, she'd better be better than me. I was one who would never let her win- I knew she was good and wanted to develop her talent and her competition skills. It's not only the other kids that are better than I = she's a lot better.

So, the call came last nite to play, and I bounded out. It was good. It was 4-4 on a big field. The kids took it easy on me- they heard me complain last year about "Take it easy on an old man", and I haven't practiced any since then- unless y count kicking it about @ 1/2time w/ neice.1 @ neice.3's games. I'm really scared that this 2score&1 dude would get some horrible pull or tear or-----wait, no fear of heart attack, since I don't smoke cigerettes. But there was fear and a certain slowness of play on my part.

Didn't get hurt, played ok, and will play again.

The point of this post was to praise neice.1 for showing signs that she will be an excellent mature adult soon....................and did y see that one goal of mine?? The one where I was bothered on my left by someone more that 1/2 my age and plays in college, yet still managed to pull up, dash it to my left, and score!!!! yeah yeah yeah, that's the point!!!

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