12 June, 2007


I’m attempting to learn Spanish. I took French @ SRHS and at university and have tried to keep up with it since then--this allows me to claim “tourist French”. My description of “tourist French” means a halting literal translation of every third word when I see French in print. Don’t expect me to understand anything spoken.

But I’ve always been curious about languages and have been around Spanish a lot. Over the years, I’ve picked up lots of words and ideas- from school, soccer, food, etc… I have a lot of frenz who speak it, and there are so many speakers in Chicago. So many of the students and players I coach speak Spanish. Also, Spanish shares a lot with French and English, which I like and helps in learning it. Given these positives and that I have some education and presumably have proven I can learn new things, I can do it.

And now, attempting to make myself (ready for the jargon) more ‘marketable’, has me on a real Spanish kick. I have a 30yo Berlitz book that learns me some vocab. Weak, but has taught me a bit. Then Gf alerted me to handyportable mp3 type players called- I think- walkaways- available from CPL; some of which come in the handy ‘Learn Spanish” variety. This has been great - portable, easy to follow, easy to replay, pause, go faster/slower, etc… I’ve picked up bits- the rote way of learning can actually bear fruit. And now I’ve gotten an 8 cassette “Learn Spanish” collection from CPL- so far an uninspiring experience, but I plan to make it dominant in my cassette only car.

But put all the strands to-gether, and I’m trying to Frankenstein my way in to understanding. Mite be too tepid a go. Thought about taking classes and getting certified or whatever, but we’ll see. Mt current lesssons including taking Bolo out for walkies and using the Walkaway- some new lessons, a lotta review of older lessons, a lot learned. I also pledge to learn two new vocab words every soccer game on Spanish language tv I see. To-nite U.S. plays somebody, so we’ll see what my words of the day will be.

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