25 June, 2007

Hummingbirds and Butterflies and Vegetables

Spent a bit of the noon day period rite in the sun and working the soil. Mud. Sweat. Ick.

I’ve wanted to grow a flower garden for the Hummingbirds and Butterflies but it’s taken forever. I bought a Hummingbird and Butterflies mix two years ago and followed directions for use. It basically said to take a clear patch of soil and sprinkle the flower mix (seeds for Hummingbirds and Butterflies plants) on top of it. However, when I did that (thinking it would be all simple) and the seeds sprouted, they were accompanied by tonnes of other plants==weeds!! I simply did not know which pplants were good and which were weeds. So this year instead of spreading it into the ground, I put the mix directly into boxes of soil. I kept these in the garage window so that no seeds spread by the wind would happen to plop into the box and confuse me. What grew I knew to be good. Today was finally the day where I transplanted these delicate flowers from their temp. box into the patch outside the garage (plenty more room left). I‘m to plant another bunch of seeds soon as I tire of writing.

Oh, veggies are in this title as well. Cucumbers are one of the most amazingly high yield plants there are. I had seeds from 7-8 y.a. and planted six. Two sprouted, one survived long enough to be planted. We’ll see. And the next generation of peas- the last devastated by the bunny- has started to sprout in their trays (all year there will a progression). Finally, beans, probably THE most high yield thing I’ve ever grown-have finally started to sprout in their boxes. Last year the second set was destroyed by a bug infestation- but that first set was stunningly good.

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