Crankface had an interesting theory: Blax is moving from the city soon, and the quality and quality of his work seems to be a bit of a goodbye to the city. Lots of quality snaps of the articture(sc) and the El. A nice one of Rock Doves, as well.
Strong stuff, most of them are.
Lifes mondo cheaper outta the city, so Blackies been looking to leave for a long time. Original plans were to move to the midwest once; then to the south side; but finally the fires in his ass to gather up and leave fer sure. We'll miss him, and deeply, but lots of others have succeeded in thier moves straight outta here, so all we can do is say good luck and good hunting.
Twoface, why not reveal the characters themselves. we all know who crankface, blackie, roxx et all are. or will this be a robin masters situation.
Yeah, but which of you fuckers know who Army Medix is ?? Or what about Coach Good Kixx ?? Or Jackson ?? Or Mom ?? Wait, you all know who that is. I know, some of the names are great (gallo, 'face), some suck, and it is a strain to make up some, but.....
....can't I have my conciets? Like nixnames, bad spellings, and articles on St. Rita football, birds, and bathroom styles? Oh, and what nickname is 'anonymous' ?
meth or coke?
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