Wojie had read Jared Diamonds Guns, Germs, and Steel years ago, and always loved to talk of it. We went to see Jared Diamond (wogie, da vife, and I)@ Harold Wash. Lib. a few years back on his Collapse tour. He was beyond brilliant. I love scholars, and he was just superscholar, in many fields. I finally happened to c.p.library the DVD copy of GG&S to watch it. Brilliant. Now I rented the book, and am starting on it.
Now, I have almost stopped reading books. Last xmas break, I read five or six 300-400 page books over the 17 days. This break, one measly atlas geared for hs'rs. Wish I was like Wilde, who was one of those bizarro readers.
Was it summer/fall of '04 where I had a long unemplotment streak? back then was the last extended glory period of reading, where (i wasn't working or have kids, remember)I was able to down a book a day or so. very powerful. Now, one book a half year.
I'm wedded to the news, and spend c. 2h a day reading the NYT. This, above all, is the reason my time for book reading has sadly evaporated. However, I'm now getting NYT only on weekdays (I like the daily international news, so as much as I want Sundays, I had to make a decision) so that should free up some book reading time.
So, here comes Guns, Germs, and Steel.
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