26 February, 2007

Moving Day/If I only had time

Helped The Guitars (he also has a banjo !!) move on Sunday. Actually, I helped w/ .00000000000000006% of the move, since when I finally got it into me to gas the car, drive to the other side of the city, and finally find the place, all that was left was 2 little bookcases. I got a lotta love from Randolph Hurst and his then lover when I helped them move in the summer. I’ve been moving people on my broad back for decades and that experience helps. The summer move (not this one) was expedited when I got there bit late, and I was able to motivate and direct the troops to get that move done after they were exhausted in round one of the move. Like I wrote, I got a lot of love (and was hoping for more of the same approval from my frenz in this move, I must admidt-fuck me for being so late) last summer, and it shined a light to that particular quest of mine : being a leader of men like Winters. In this case, it was the long years of teaching and the even longer years of coaching kids that makes it easy to manage people in certain situations. I knew the scene, I knew the soldiers involved, and we got it done. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve failed miserably in other leadership positions : I’m still angry @ myself for the worthlessness of my first few years of teaching- I really let those kids down back then (not now, though- I’m truly a credit to education now- it just took a lot of growing up/hard work on my part). But the techniques of teaching kids the importance of dribbling the soccer ball around cones does actually translate into leadership in life.

THE favourite child rearing moment I’ve ever seen involved Z# 3 and nephew #3. Z3 had to go out to the car to get something and nephew #3 wanted to go with. She led him to the window and said You can watch me go to the car and see that I’ll be right back. He stood by the window for those 30 seconds and made no fuss. That vingette had a profound effect on me. With kids now, its always “This is what I’m doing, look me in the eyes and believe in me, and to-gether we’ll get it done” . Kids love to do the rite thing, and when they are let in on it and know that their effort is important in the action- and they trust you- you can do wonders.

Neices and nephews, students and players, frenz kids and etc…… I’m sure it’s the DNA/genetics/chemicals of it all telling me this, but I would really love to have kids one day. Seven of them, just like when I was 21 and Q and I named all seven we’de have (awful names, looking back on it). I think it’d be good.

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