09 February, 2007


Saw it last nite, and several scences were just great. Totally loved the movie. Best parts, for those who saw it :

1) The scene where Jake Gly. uses the deragotory word for homosexuals after they see the movie. Just the acting in that 4-5 seconds is brilliant.
2) The You earn It scene near the end.

One just deeply funny, the other just deeply moving.


Anonymous said...

You should read the book too. Crankface has my copy. My favorite part is how the guys get geared up for the impending battle by watching hollywood war flicks like Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket. Swofford notes that whatever the intentions of the filmakers, a war movie inevitably glorifies war and gets young men stoked to enlist and fight. This reality inspired Truffault to refuse to make war pictures because he thought it was impossible to make a true anti-war movie because the battles are always exciting and make heroes.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I LOVE war movies. Once in Lib. school we had to make a project about a theme of books, and I presented on WW2. Now, @ school then we all knew each other and took classes w/ each other, so they all kinda knew Freak. But when I presented, i had to tell'm all that I know that presenting war books to kids was kinda krazy, but I pointed out pacifist myself as a counterpoint.
Nephew #3 is avid reader (6th grade), and his fave subject is.............war books!! Latest book i'm trying to get to him (to mess a bit with the all war diet) is a Steven Ambrose book on the railroad capitalists. War and Capitalism, what have we become to these days?

Anonymous said...

Of course I love war pictures/books (although unlike Freak mainly vietnam and WWII Pacific arena) too and about 90% of my toys and play was spent with soldiers. I would make some pretty elaborate scenarios with G.I. Joes strung up with wire, jeep crashes involving lots of red food color . . .somehow I resisted the urge to enlist.

Anonymous said...

had they only run so manmy helicopter ads then, maybe you would have joined up