20 February, 2007

(black) Steel (in the hour of chaos)........A history of the danse floor....etc....Part 2

I’d never thought of it before, but when my friend devolved his fears to me I thought of course.

Once there was this girl. Lovliest example of her sex, in so many ways. She was gorgeous, well dressed, smart (grad student w/ a purpose), and still a kid (she loved seeing movies on its opening night). A buddy and I had huge crushes on this girl, even while she dated our good friend. My buddy(#1) and I(#6) would giggle about how she looked and what she said after one of us saw her and reported back to the other. Our mutual friend (#2) felt possible trouble in the relationship, however. #2 felt that maybe his girlfriend and he were not relating. #2 worried that she might become entangled with #1, (our mutual buddy), with whom she was going to start taking dancing lessons with shortly.

You know Freak, what they say about dancing, the chemistry that’s released , between two people…..I just worry ,with them taking lessons together.....

So, It was kinda shocking to hear my buddy, who I always thought was really strong, discuss his fears. Also, I realised #1 wasn't gonna sleep with this one, even though both of us wanted to. But the real revelation was the link betwixt sex and dansing. I know it is in pop culture big time - wasn't there a Fred and Ginger danse in some movie that ended with both having a post-danse smoke? But this cemented it in my mind for me to use.

So, back in the day, when danse parties happened everymonth or so, (well, 2m or so) I'm sure the operative was to get the chix. In many ways, we (generally, 'we' refers to Frank and I)were the ones really making the party happen (whatever is written, a party can be great w/out dansing--happens all the time. But a house party where the partygoers are hopping around- this is my kind of party((thanx, Jack Dawson)) ). So we were the ones getting the girls to move their hips, we realised it, and we loved it. Great power trip (and with great power trips comes great responsibility- thanx Uncle Ben).

So this connexion betwixt danse and sex- what place does it have in my life these days, when I'm in a longterm deal with a lady. I was thinking of this @ Dragons party. This is terrible to write, but I wonder (and have before) if I just didn't care. If I was single, would I be doing the chalastenics(sc) necessary to get the chix?? I dunno. And I know also that this gets me into several other issues, like...................ok, even I have my limits on truth and blogging, and although I kinda wanna go there, i won't.............for now.....................

This was my second part of the whole "Dance/Chicago/House/etc..." . Kinda boring, kinda self inflating, kinda bloggy, I know. next episode wil be the early parties i used to go to, until that fateful 'Party on Pratt', where, in the midst of the whole thing, suddenly the most desirable women in the world were suddenly moving.............and that ws the start. The really smug and selfcongratugalatory stuff will be starting in Part 4 and after. Do stay tuned.

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