CloverfieldPretty good. I like smashemup giant monsters threatens us all. The chix were hot. Effects were good. it was kinda funny that every shot of the monster was quick, blurry, from far away, etc etc etc... They didn't want to spend too much time on it. See it. Not the greatest, but worth the 84m. (left)
American Gangster
Another good film. Like Denzel (Deja Vu is kool) and Russell Crowe (Gladaitor) both a lot. I like the peroid piece of NYC in the 70's. Like a lot of people, I also like gangster films. Again, it's good and i'd say check it out. (rite)
Casino Royale
Excellent. Loved Bond from the earliest memories - It's Connery, sirs - and have tried to watch each and every new one in the theatreas. Saw 87's Living Daylights" @ Chestnut Station wearing a kilt (authentic deal from Scotland which my friend M.E.P. owned) w/ M.E.P. and Business Bob. In 1990 (89,??), saw the latest film @ the Adlephi in Rogers Park before it went totally Bollywood. Saw the last one in 2002 on the final date w/ a girl that was to break my heart in a little more than a fortnite. I loved the film that nite- she'd never been to a Bond film in her life, and when plans that nite to go to some sorta Gallo type hotelbar in the Loop faltered, 007 was it. I remember I was happy that we made it to the cinema on time and was able to catch the iconic "gun barrel" opening w/ the iconic as well theme. Casino Royale was excellent. 007 before he was a double oh. Like the last film, it is copping kool features from other films. The last film had some very Matrix type shots. This film has a bit of a Jackie Chan feel in places - especially the opening. I always loved the old Bonds in fights - in the furture, when I shamlessly steal from these films, I WILL have scences like the old Bond films - using whatever is around as a weapon. Lamp, candle sticks, a lighter and hair spray etc etc - there was always some everyday object used in duress as a weapon. And Bond always won.
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