27 April, 2008

weekend in meetings

A.M. Saturday, when all the kool kats are asleep, there was I- in the midst of thousands, sometimes in the midst of one........ had three things to do this morn, one of which - sleep late -was not allowed........ Car'd my way to 35th and near Halsted for the soccer playoffs meeting..... lots of city coaches, some that I'd coached against the day before and the week before, some I'd coached with the year before of 13 years before..... came late, as benefiting my slothstyle of mornings, but made it to the meat of the meeting - determining playoff seedings and who plays where......... hung out w/ Rommel, the leader of the soccer program @@ the last school I was @ ..... helps to have someone nearby who can answer questions and advise...... as I was writing maybe two months ago, this guy is really an idol to me...... was able to watch him upclose when I was @ that school, and I was very impressed with the whole program..... probably would mean an end to my current life as I know it, but I would like to start that sort of program here.... despite this being a school with loads of soccer potential, it is still missing something.... I think I know - and I'd like to implement some of those things here - but it seems so much work ......... but I always thought that being a 'media specialist' and a 'soccer coach' would be an ideal combo for me and make me happy....... but I gotta get hired first........ so there was another meeting this day : job fair...... was @ UIC ...parked Strasser outside of Neils Church and walked to the building...... wasn't planning to go on any interviews - just wanted to see who needed librarians...... turns out a walloping good school needs a librarian (AND I worked with one of them - and she thinks I'm good)....... spectre of moving back to north side returns...... interested..... shoulda moved into the Division Street place w/ Curtis awhile back when he needed....... Dan Ryan home, waiting for Fire game and possible battle....................

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