22 April, 2008

DeathNotice in real life

There was a death in the family. My sisters father in law. 81, he went downhill rapidly in the last few months. He was a good dude - no longer will I hear that voice. My Mom told me that he was going to die sometime over the weekend, but it was Sunday Nite that Neice.4 came over crying over the loss of her grandfather - it was then we found out he died. It was hard to see the girl so broken up. Really, I kinda felt I failed that I could do nothing to ease her pain.

Went to the wake on Monday Nite after practice. Solem affair. Read in the Sun Times that he had won the Bronze Star in WW2. I knew that he'd been in the Bulge, but not that he'd been medalied- again, ouldn't I have known before he died so that I could have asked him how he got it?? Chance lost.

It was nice to kick back w/ seven out of eight of the kids who came to the wake and GF. Some cafe, cookies...... always struck me about these affairs - here we are jabbling and laughing and smiling, and there is the body waiting to be goned. In University we had some course or other and it tacked on about the funeral interface for the family - between having the (dead) person in their life just a little bit longer and finally letting it go.

Hardest time was the time to go - the widow went up to the coffin and said some goodbyes and some concerns of the day out loud, and I though the same - sad as it was, she was just telling her husband good night and sleep tite in that strange coffin and that she'd see him to-morrow and they'd settle out what they had to then.

Funeral was Tuesday. Six out of eight kids there. Way south. AGain, my thought were with the widow. So sad to see the partner go.

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