16 April, 2008

coaches meeting

It was me who had to rep. the school in the annual state playoff seeding meeting. There are 19 teams in our "region", and this meeting was to seed those teams. Some teams = very impressive. Lots of games played and quality teams played. Our team =namby pampy. We had two rain outs and no scheduled non conference games, so we came to the table with three results = a tie and two losses. No much to go on.

However, our region is also laughably weak. Lots of 1899 Cleveland Spiders type teams - we were ranked low, but not @ the bottom. But low. And that ws partially my fault. Part of the process is to talk about yr team for 3m and say why they deserve a high seeding - I failed @ that.

But it was totally interesting to be a apart of the process. The NCAA deliberations for basketball? Now I know.

It was good to see some old frenz. Well, one. Free pizza.

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