12 April, 2008

My fathers Inheritence

It was my junior year in University that I finally fell in w/ girls. I discovered the 'secret' that hopefully all college students outside of my neices and Nephews discover" that girls like us just as much as we like them.

And, on a personal note, thoses days I discovered that LOTS of girls liked me and I liked lots of them. It was a wonderful time.

My cousin MAC lives in Montana. He boy is a big dude on the local pol. sence, so when President Obama and Vice President Clinton made a visit in front of the primary in June, she was there.

Here are some snaps. One is of the future president. The other is of my cousin and her friend .full . .full was one of the girls I liked 20 years ago when I was young. Red hair. The feeling back then made me -looking back 8-10 y later -to use the term "My Fathers Inheritance". It was a pseudo Jesus-feeling ataement that is probably not in the gospels - but I invent. I 'invented' it to describe my feeling of 'status' among women @ the time.

So - to say it - While I was in the midst of My fathers Inheritance (meaning = women all over and I kew I had the Power, finally)I fell for the girl who was rite before the red head on the "Go after" list. So I never bothered. I've gotten to know her over the years, and obv. nothing would have gotten done way back. I say she was next on the list, but fully realise I prob. was on no list of hers.

But that feeling of the Inheritance. So strong back then.

Still - pretty girl. Good person as well. I was just/only/ 21.

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