14 April, 2008

The Keegans Lobby and V.H.'s Foreign Policy

Strasser dry docked for a few days, I am engaged in walking/busing again to work. Strange. On Saturday afternoon Gf and I went out to the nonresponsivebyphone garage the Strasser was dumped @ to confirm that the place existed and to extract junk from the trunk - fear of theft of soccer balls and sweaty soccer gear.

I can't remember much what happened on Saturday - except @ nite we went to Borders and Keegans. Borders was a chase on the Deathnote course. I finally gave up waiting for Deathnote #9 to get back to my school's ibrary, so I decided to just go to Borders and read it in the stacks. It'd take about an hour - no pouring over it, but I really want to finish the series. So, we went, and lo and behold - they didn't have #9 in stock. New plan just to chill. Collected two books on Germany in WW2 and Isreal Lobby and joined Gf for a hot chocalate in a crowded bookstore. She enjoyed it, and I was abble to finish a chapter in the book.

Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy is a book I started to read 6m ago. I read the first 100p 6m ago and then put the book down. Then, as often happens, I looked @ it last weekend and read the next hundred pages in a few days. Great book !! I need to finish it now that I am reinterested in it - the last few chapters are well organized and are on things I am familier with. Compulsive book now.

This was a more than ordinary trip to Keegans -as we both silently thought, until we vocalized it to-gether; this was the first time back to keegans after we's had a somewhat public fight there 2m ago. I'll find the link from that day, but it won't say this: I'd stupidly mentioned an old girlfriend, and she got real mad @ me (she doesn't like that). She wanted to leave, but I felt that the mere mention of something old was cause for leaving. She insisted I leave, but I was just as mad, so I walked home in the cold that nite.

And here we finally were back. Had two drinks - no, I had three. Didn't feel it the next day.

We left early and did some shopping! Milk was only $1.50 a gallon and had to be purchased by Midnite, so we Jeweled it. And then home.

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