07 August, 2007

Vito from cali

Vito and Darwina are in from Cali. I collected the two @ Midway Airport son los two in the morning and we battled our way to Arlington. I crashed @ the A. crib. I used to crash there a lot when Vito came back to visit- it seemed every time he flew back in from the West I’d crash that first nite he was home. Xmas break of 2004/5 I stayed 4 nites there- I remember having a great time; it broke me out of my daily bad funk I was in @ the time.
Got woken up by his screaming nieces and nephews way too early. Never gonna sleep, I gave up and hung w/ his sister, the kids, and the Vito’s. Not there was Mr. & Mrs. A. Kinda wanted to talk to Mr. A. about gardening. He’s gotta giant plot in the backyard, and its filled with lots of shit I don’t grow: squash, lettuce, even dandelion type plants. His string beans are arresting. I have ‘bush’ type bean where I cut off the beans when they reach 5-6 inches, his are ‘pole’ beans that hang from a type of trellis- these beans were one and a half feet long. His tomatoes are different than mine- mine aren’t giants, but they grow large. His are real small, and are ripening rite now. Plus the dude’s got figg trees, plum trees, apple trees, grape vines, etc…pretty impressive.

We left early ‘cause Vito and Darwina had Cubs tix, and had to be @ the Crankface’s for the game. I’d recently found and old cassette tape that Vito had made in ’93 or so, and we jammed that on the way into the city-stuff like Steve Dahl songs were on it.

Sandwich: I went to Fire game, and you can ead my thoughts over here

Collected Gf and off battling to the Loop. I felt bad because we were getting there so late; I dropped off Gf @ the door and looked for a space amongst the drifting after Lollapalooza crowd. There was a small crowd there: the Shipley’s, the English Patients‘, the Darwina’s, the Gf’s, plus Ian Curtis and Butter Berger. It was a very loose crowd- all of these boys need no excuse to cut crazy and every reason to…….well, they act crazy when they get to-gether in this context. Crank’d got a new camera, and Butter was playing with it all nite- she’s a great foto’er, so it was konsistently kool to see the results of her shooting. There was plenty to shoot- we dansed for a bit, playing old disco and new disco and National disco and some rock. Just start us dancing and soon Gallo is hoisting up people on his shoulders and wrestling begins. There was a particular picture w/ Gallo upside down on the floor w/ Vito. Shipley’s reported remark: Oh, there’s hundreds of pictures of him like that”.

Left and home @ 4a.m.

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