25 September, 2009

what you need

In landspeedrecordtime, my state teaching credintials were approved. All on the computer. Hit the various return buttons the variously required amount of times, and now: my final two steps to get the heavy pay is to go to the HR place on the West Side, register my documenst w. CPS (and 2 proper ID's), then hit the Loop to register for health insurance. Very good.

Had gone on the computer wanting to check that my documents were approved - and they were. Id really thought that it owuld take 2m - but 2w is sweet. However, since I havent 2 pictures ids to do it today (A deeply good day to register w. CPS), I have to wait until Monday.

Monday is hard as well. The varsity are travelling to play a north suburban team, and I always loved making this trip on the bus w. the team. I was gonna ask one of the coaches to take over practice for me - now Im gonna have to ask that to register . It's ok. It'll get done.

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