08 September, 2009

my first day of school

Went ok, overall. In the evening, an hour ago, i was feeling excitined about the next day. So differnt, so much new stuff I have to master. I had three classes to cover - I know, petty lite day - and on of those was stakn up by the dreaded Indoctrination speach by the President. But it was nerve wracking all the same.

So different than at my last school. Such a giant of a place - and here its just a few. But the staff are good, it seems (from the performance today) and they are all easy to get along with. There were so many places to hid from people you dont like - none here. a hamlet this place be, not the sprawling city left by me. But, chief lesson's from GF (relax) and my favourite coaching colleuge (it's your first year) sound through me though they were advices from different times for differnt problems.

But still Im a bit lost, unsure of my way, and not all too confident. But I'm willing to work @ it, actually. to-morrow is another day.

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