14 September, 2008

Without and Within / Many posts in one

Funny that, again - sometime during the Bears Colts game last week, best bud matt Jenke left my house and didn't return until the A.M. of Saturday morning. That period - m-t-w-f- was marked by a giant uptick in production, sleep, health, and ....happiness........ yet I always be hang'n wit dat fuck. The myth of the eternal return returned late friday after an attempted run @ a Sox game two days in a row.

Da Sox
I'd watched the boys lose 6-4 thursday nite, and I'd wanted to go friday again - something about only being @ THREE games this year and being embaressed @ that paltry total and there not being much time left in the regular 162. That, and the fact that they were giving out free Green hats - I wanna go !! And, the final kicker - one of Gf's workmates had vouchers for 2 free tix, reedeemable ONLY for Friday nite.

So, Gf wasna gonna go, so I called quickly some canidates to see f interested - two Cub fans, a Braves fan, and Processed - I'm just assuming he's a Sox fan. It was Jacob who responded first affirmatively, so I made the arrang's. Wishing we had mobiles, I got to the gate -SOLD OUT !! But they had mercy on me - "Saturday's a sell out as well, but Sunday's game is a go". So I traded the vouchers in for two to Sundays - if that game will be in.

Das Hurricaines
There really was no way of going to Fridays game even if it asns't a sellout - the three or four hurricaines that whirled their way through the New World this last fortweek all ended up in Chicago this weekend. Wow!! Fridays game -and Saturday's as well, were also rained out. For those of you who do not know, they have drenched this area bigtime. I know many have been to the tropics in monsoon season or whatever - but I have never seen rain like this in the middle of the continent ever before. It's stunning. There have been 1/2h breaks from time to time, but it's been almost 48h straight. So, I'm watching Da Bears rite now (cool again this wek so far, huh??). will switch back abnd forth when the Fire come on @ 2pm, and then gear up for the SOx game to-nite - if it gets in.

Da Bible Problem
So, with plans scuppered for a Sox win on Friday nite, I united w/ Jacob - who had been driven down to Comiskey town by another friend . We were supposed to meet @ the seats - I was to will call his ticket - but snce it was as a sellout, I had to wait outside Gate 4 a waiting and a hoping we'd run into each other (repeat, to all,of those actually existing in the 21st century - do you realy expect ME or JACOB to have mobile phones ?? NO!!!!"). We met, decided on a Russian run and a few mixed drinx tite round Western and Belmont - I knew, from reading comminuquies off the telytype -that the Young Guard were rallying that nite, and the afll back position was the Hungry Brain.

Great. Sux no Sox, but frenz are gathering. And a problem.

With both Jacob and Joker - over the years - there have been, um , personality conflicts. NO NO NO, not with each other - but... Lets just say it this way - over the years, I have lots and lots of lovely frenz who I deeply love and their very existence seconds my existence - (I know many have been frustrated by me being frenz w/ scruffy types, but again - Jesus asked me to visit prisoners in prisons, whatever that prison may be. Who am I to say no? Plus, in them they truely hold the keys to escaping my own prisons. You have keys I need to - and yes, you who read this are only slightly less 'slightly less' that my 'prisoner frenz', so don't be talking. In fact, many of my other frenz think that YOU ALSO are one of my prisoner vistor frenz, so watch it, brother..... Just remember, as important as 63d and Mozart -and etc etc etc ) is in mymademyth, Jacob et al is as well) - but lots of times they do not get along well. So, two years ago or so both Joker and Jabob , out of knowhere, got into a confrontation. Bizzare, but then again, I currency in bizzare. I always enjoyed how I blogged about it. Didn't mention the thing @ all, just seperate posts on each friend on something uniquie they pulled a decade or so ago whatever.

However - w/ Jabob in the Stasser and the possibility of Joker inside, I really had to look in, see if he was there, then enter w/ Jacob. If Joker was there, then it was a return to being 22 again, and he can't be here because he's there and they can't be here because..... 'some because or other'. But the bar didn't hold the Joker this nite - the fortmer great frenz luckily had 100m betwixt them this nite.
Who WAS there? There was Smoky Treats a sittin' when we entered; and later came Guitars, Will'm Randy, Gunners, and finally - X Ray Steve and wife. It was great to hang and jabber and all that. It was the last few hours before Matt Jenke cam back to dominate my conversations and talk all over everything I wanted to say, but in these last two hours, I ran and ran and ran @ the mouth and was fully cognizent that maybe i should let others get a word in edgewise.
Two people will relate. Lent, 1993, Jackson. Think - it's 11.45pm, were chillin w/ the TV, and Hilts is never shutting up. Never. Gallo's some Sunday supper nite, say 1998 or so. Again, same circumstances -maybe not Lent, but same in our context* ... and Gallo eventually yelling "Will you Shut up??"

So, we're @ the table, and my tactful self fell out. Uh, I finally weighed in on that situation. With Love. And I weighed in on another situation. And then another. I hope most peple were not listening, because I had a real lot os opinions, and opinions about people........... It's won't come back to me, im sure, but I am always amused when I 'm in that mood.

I rally should always be in that mood. I'm always telling the kids in class that they own each other other theirbest - why not ...... well, whatever.......But those four days of production and stepping up and announcing , well, @ least my own type or morality towards each other....well, it should be there more.

And, again, comparing myself to Jesus, but there wer many times the people ran that fucker out of town trying to kill him.
*=context being everything

1 comment:

Hilts said...

Hilts -we like it better when you are talking about your old sex stories. pare us how Holy and Good you are.