23 September, 2008


Part of the problem in runing a city girls soccer team is that most of the top programs "B" freshman teams would give us a great game. Our girls just have not had enough days of soccer that the top squads do. Part of the deal in the past programs is that we had the girls / boys doing out of season work in the basketball/volleyball gyms . However, when we have schools like Nequa Valley and New Trier having their girls in organized teams a few weeks before they were born - and , of course, magnificant practice fields and gyms that we could not even imagine (actually, I wonder if Real Madrid has the quality of stuff some of these places do). This is not the place to complain about money or whatever - just, what were up against.

So, when I was @ Canaryville H.S. in the late 90's and early 00's, we had the kids do off season work Wednes. and Friday after the season ended. I have written about how good of shape I was in back then- i took that regular shift w/ 14-18 yr old boys for 6h/week, and it did me good. When i got to the second presidents high school they had an even bigger off season program. Beginning in november, we went twice a week. In December, it went to everydays. The girls there would do excercises, running, and some skills. We went seamlessly into the regualr season - so, from say 15 december to 15 MAy, we had it every day.

So the problem @ my school here is that there is NO SPACE for girls soccer. it seems to have been the lowest regarded sport @ this school, so there is no history of off season training. Given no training, all of the available space has been taken by all of the other sports. Especially since this school now has 3,500 kids, the competiton for space is tremendous.

So, I will take what I can get. I approached one of those in the know, and my asking for just 2 days a week one gym, 4pm-6pm = IMPOSSIBLE!! I'm working on a 2 day "open gym" concept - off season, you really shouldn't be coaching them as a team, so it's billd as a 2 day -NOT TRYOUT- funcamp. However, it will be good to see the younger geneation.

Then i tried to get space @ a nearby ark district gym. however, they re also booked rite after school. No good. The idea to get them coming back to one of the two parks nearby @ nite - if i can get a free gym - for maybe 2h of play -would be good. Still working on that.

So, I went to my old schools practice and talked to an old collegue. He has the girls go to a place on 14th and Loomis -an indoor soccer dome type deal - and it's 2 20m halfs, $800-$900 to join. two sessions. This seems close to ideal - except I to have to selll it to the girls. I do not want to force them into something they do not want to do -but shit, it kills me seeing the football team and basketball team basically practicing the year round. I just hate that it's my girls who suffer because this school has never had that sort of program in place. And shit, it's fucking this shit who has to do that. yeesh.

But todays facts and figures findings did me well. I have to hold a meeting very soon to guage the interest.

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