Veddy loud. I used the earprotectors they passed out for free, and that cut into the clatter. And crowded. Lots of people. And hot. Comon, it's the Aragon in what still can be considered summer. And - it was very dansable.
So, they played the hits. Sometimes it took a second to cut through all of the sound waves to actually hear what song it was - but, w/ special movements that allowed me to hear better, it was an outstanding concert - despite maybe 30m of pure torture @ the end. The end sucked. And it lasted 30m. It reslly sucked, make no doubt about it. If I wanted to see something that sucked as bad as the last 30m of the MBV show, I'd go see some guy taking a shit on stage.
but the earlier part made that last 30m fine. And, yes, though it smelled like shit on stage - the last 30m I will defend as well - hey, it's art.
My tenique was thus. I wore the earplugs for the first 20m or so. I used a cuping method on my ears, and the effest was to run the clutter out of my ghearing areas so that the rumble and echos actually sounded crisp and clear. then eventually I took off the earplugs - but @ times of uninteresting sections or SUPERLOUD spots - I would hold my hands to my ears to protect them.
I got a real good earful, and what I heard- I dansed to. yes, it was THAT good. And THAT dansable. I mita been the omly one, but there were rythms, grooves, beats, all laid down and followed. The music moved me, and I was in such a good mood (and crazy mood - @ times I was on the bridge of Bismarck it's last lonely nite, or Steve McQueen near the end of "Sand Pebbles" - not good, I say, and scarey things are actually happening...i think...but nothing on that later), that it all just moved.
"Soon", of course, was the hit of the nite.
$50. Worth it. Just for "Soon"
Heh -- we bailed ten minutes into the noise jam, under the assumption that it would in fact be the end of the show. I think we probably cleared city limits by the time it ended thanks to a choice parking job....
I had not been so pummeled by sound in many, many years. Felt good to burn while we did.
Realized on the drive back that I somehow never did rip the "Glider" EP after feeling a jones for "Don't Ask Why." Mistake since rectified....
Upstairs sitting made earplugs not necessary (although aging hipsters around me seemed to want them). I enjoyed being engulfed for the 30ish mins. And I appreciate the band's endurance - making that much sound for that long has to be hard work. I just wish they had more new tunes.
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