11 January, 2007

saw an accipiter (picture of a starling)

Saw an accipiter (hawk type) on pulaski in search of breakfast...................................this is a picture of a starling, one of my favourites........we have a faux birdbath in the backyard (its a plastic box) and the birds all stop by to drink from it..........and the squirrels.....and i promise that this blog will not be a birders blog.................................although gf and I are planning a little trip to starved rock in 2wks............s.rock has a bald eagle population in the winter, and since ive never seen one, i thought it's be worth the 1 1/2h trip there. The problem is that since its so balmy out, the Eagles haven't needed to travel so far South in search of food yet. So trip (for stated goal) mite be a bust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bleedin' birder.