16 January, 2007

Monday Monday (Bird Part)

Hawks and Parrots and Starlings
Since I had the afternoon off, I payed with the birds. My sister brings back bread from one of her 2d jobs (she has 3), and I threw it out the window all day. I'd throw 3-4 muffins into the backyard, and before long 80-100 starlings envelope the bkyd squabbling over the bread. By now, all the birds know that mine is a feed yard, so like a sales shopper, im sure they peek into the yard from time to time to snack on the food we've thrown out. I did this from 8am till last lite. The Monk Parakeets also came by, as they do every day. Monday I officially counted 18 parrots, and i'm sure there were 4 more. Wilde total. So, I had record numbers of birds, all day, and what tops it all off....................................
................................but a Coopers Hawk, undoutably focused on the giant bird ruckus that was my backyard, suddenly popped up out of no-where and alighted on the telephone wire------and @ his feet, motionless, was a tiny mourning dove, trapped, out in the open............................
Cooper hung for 1m, all regal and brown and big-in-context, then flew off, never bothering the little dove.
Whew, I watched the whole scene and was hoping the dovewould get away.
Oh, and the cardinal !!
Mrs. Cardnal popped her head into the open window of the basement before flying off. Nice to see her, and almost in the house. Funny.

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