30 January, 2007


Was time to say by (but for a bit, but how long?) to one of the tribe, Macarthur the Bass Player. I've known MBP for, say 15 y now. We've never been close, and way back when I never had anything @ all to say to him. However, years means getting to know people : by the time it was set to say 'farewell', we were both totally @ ease with each other. Speaking for myself, I enjoyed MBP's presence. He will be missed, even though not one of my core frenz.
It was a party ! Went w/ gf after our eagle excursion, not knowing what to expect. Gallo and Army Z (hosy host) were there, along with the nites celebrity, MBP. Other frenz showed up : Blackie (we all shared that jarring look of unexpectedness when it was announced that Blackie was showing- wow, kool !!), Miss Lady Straps and friend, fex*, and Code Name Paul: but where was Crankface and the Patient??
Let me guess! Drunk and late !! Wonderfully soused goofy mood was 'face and wife, and they brought with them a similar couple. These were strangers, but they got along well with all. They were goofy, to say the least, but goofiness is a great thing.
I can be stupid. I actually left gf with Code Name Paul in the Kitchen. Oh, don't get me wrong, I watched the whole time, but those in the know understand that this was maybe a stupid move. Paul is a good guy, I've known him since the summer of '88 and I enjoy his company. But BOY DOES HE HAVE A BAD REP WHEN IT COMES TO HIS FRENZ AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS. They were talking for a long while, but I'm secure w/ gf, so I thought it would be obtrusive and silly to just walk back and say hey, whats up ??? But, on the other side................. Paul , understanding his rep, did say to the effect of I was good boy, I didn't do anything, just ask her. I did. He was ok.
Good show. Army Z took out some of his old whistle stop shows, and we sampled some really kool live Thomas Dolby (not europa, not blinded, his 3d famous song) and jimmy jimmy by the Undertones, a hs/university rave fave.
Drank 9/10ths of a beer, one sip of awful vino, and pop/soda.
*= for example

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