31 January, 2007

Attempts @ self effacement (sc)

I'm a bit boastful in this blog, I know it, but I bet y don't mind. That whole pride thing about my profession, I'd like to explain that away thusly:
I was once so lost on this whole livelyhood thing:
I was BUM #1
Rambler a mundo,
Slacker City Tights
Lazy Captain.
Bum for decades and on.
So when I finally found something, it hit like Dreadnaughts full salvo. I'm still tickled blue by this process. However, I'm not the greatest librarian of all time. But I fully intend to be that, and soon. Right now, i get a lot of love, but I'm just findong my way. For now.

xxxxHow I spent my Birthday, 1-2-3 !

Co-workers got me a cake and a card.
Gf got me a 32oz Coke and three candy bars.
Wait, that's it ??? I thought people liked me !?!

30 January, 2007

Freakshow adds colours to the chameleon

First off, it was kinda nice. Library work is so fucking hectic, I'm usually harried beyond belief an hour after I'm suposed to go home. I was supposed to go home, fex, 1 1/2 h ago, but had to do work on this blog (SHUT UP BRATS !!!! I'M TRYING TO BLOG HERE. GIVE ME 40 UNINTERRUPTED SECONDS!!!! Please ?). So, 1 1/2 h of reading time was very nice. Then I got called in to be 'interviewed' for the case; it was a small case, and I was one of the first 14 in the bench to be 'interviewed' by the defense and prosecution. Talk about repetative(sc).
However, I used it as a stage to, well, self aggrandise myself w/ some 'street cred'. y' know, iIadded colours to the chameleon.
So, the judge asks, have you or anyone you have known been the victim of a crime. Most people had a story about their house being burgleds or a friend who got punched. When it came to me, I told the judge that the number of crimes I've been a witness to (or etc...) was just too vast to catalog here. Truth, too.
Then, when it came to being arrested, one after another had not been. Then me. Well, there was that breaking and entering in '84 (it was actually trespass, but i like to tupac meself from time to time), and that felony in 92- but we beat that rap , and then there was that disorderly conduct last year. And then, yr honour, there s been, like , 15-20 times when, whats the term ( 'in custody' would be what I was looking for) for when (i mimed my wrists to-gether ).
All of this was true, I have been cuffed like 15x and spent three seperate nites in jail.
Seems like I'm the motherfucker thats out to kill , but in reality, I'm a wee bit more fey* than those jurors probably took me. Plus, I also had to document my 'other/non thug' side to my audience, so I made sure I mentioned being an 'undergraduate' and was reading the NYT, though not just for effect. Fun playing a part, even though I guess it was, well, all true.
Never got picked. The prosecution didn't want me.
*way way more fey !!

A Sunday w/out Football

Was too lazy to even watch Mexican Soccer. Read the paper. Went to 5 mass w/ gf.
Must be more? Oh, check yes. Did we collaspe it in ? Dunno.


Le titre l'indique tout. Il a fini à bonjour, pas il ?


Was time to say by (but for a bit, but how long?) to one of the tribe, Macarthur the Bass Player. I've known MBP for, say 15 y now. We've never been close, and way back when I never had anything @ all to say to him. However, years means getting to know people : by the time it was set to say 'farewell', we were both totally @ ease with each other. Speaking for myself, I enjoyed MBP's presence. He will be missed, even though not one of my core frenz.
It was a party ! Went w/ gf after our eagle excursion, not knowing what to expect. Gallo and Army Z (hosy host) were there, along with the nites celebrity, MBP. Other frenz showed up : Blackie (we all shared that jarring look of unexpectedness when it was announced that Blackie was showing- wow, kool !!), Miss Lady Straps and friend, fex*, and Code Name Paul: but where was Crankface and the Patient??
Let me guess! Drunk and late !! Wonderfully soused goofy mood was 'face and wife, and they brought with them a similar couple. These were strangers, but they got along well with all. They were goofy, to say the least, but goofiness is a great thing.
I can be stupid. I actually left gf with Code Name Paul in the Kitchen. Oh, don't get me wrong, I watched the whole time, but those in the know understand that this was maybe a stupid move. Paul is a good guy, I've known him since the summer of '88 and I enjoy his company. But BOY DOES HE HAVE A BAD REP WHEN IT COMES TO HIS FRENZ AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS. They were talking for a long while, but I'm secure w/ gf, so I thought it would be obtrusive and silly to just walk back and say hey, whats up ??? But, on the other side................. Paul , understanding his rep, did say to the effect of I was good boy, I didn't do anything, just ask her. I did. He was ok.
Good show. Army Z took out some of his old whistle stop shows, and we sampled some really kool live Thomas Dolby (not europa, not blinded, his 3d famous song) and jimmy jimmy by the Undertones, a hs/university rave fave.
Drank 9/10ths of a beer, one sip of awful vino, and pop/soda.
*= for example

Hawks and Giant Hawks

A birding book described eagles as "giant hawks".
Accomplished something I've wanted to do for years, which was to see such giant hawks, specifiaclly(sic) a bald eagle, in my life.
Gf and I took the trip to Starved Rock state park. Starved Rock is about 136 km away. We were hoping to get there @, like, 1000h, but eventually got there @ 1500h. The ride was nice, and we were not stressing. It was a long piece of driving, on 57 and 55 and 80. If I was into speeding, I could have did 80-90 most of the way, even hitting 101 if I so wished.
Illinois is famous amongst eagle lovers as having the largest eagle population in the country outside of Alaska. It's all the dams and water breaks on the Mississippi and ythe Illinois and its tribs. that keep the ice from forming over. Since fish (ug) form 90% of the bald eagles diet, these are necessary areas for them to hunt in winter.

I was totally worried that since the winter was so nice, and ice was not forming upstream, that maybe the eagles would not be there. We were prepared to see nothing @ all. However, as you can guess, when we parked the car and walked to the river, something big was gliding over, and its head sure looked white. It was. There were all to-gether four eagles; two mature, and two brownish immature ones. They did one of four things. Circle over the water. Run from the seagulls that were trying to snatch its food. Sit on a dead branch of a tree. And, my favourite, glide (see picture @ left) while showing its broadside. Its profile, that wide sweep of wings, was simply awesome. Nothing like it @ all. We were, maybe, a km away; the eagles would glide through the trees @ that distance, massive black shapes sweeping sweetly through the deleafed branches. I am reminded of a description of battleship Bismarck gliding through the Norwegian fjorids proir to its only mission : giant grey mass sliding through the smowy mists. You should try to make it one of these dec-mars months.

This day marked the most raptors I've seen in a single day: also saw two hawks on the ride down (one over the highway, one scattering the pigeons and starlings in a parking lot) Funny, always thought hawks were big birds. I now mumble something about context under my breath...........

They also had bird feeders up, so I saw some cardinals, woodpeckers, a grackle (should have been out of this area by now), and other birds I knew not. Herons and gulls and Canada Geese over the water.

Starved Rock State Park. Got its name from a Native American group was cornered in this incredible defensive position- basically invoilable @ the time- by two enemies. They could not break out of their encirclement, but also could not be attacked. Thus they starved. Speaking as a military man (whatever), Starved Rock is a beautiful defensive position. I tried to post anothe rpicture on this post, but I failed. Look up Starved rock yrself to see this position.

27 January, 2007


Lik'ums to go to good plays, and was well rewarded w/ my all out effort to go to see "Doubt". Unless its a House Company production, i usually read a few reviews of a play and think "GOTTA GOTTA GO !!!" and three weeks later I'll think "WHY DIDN'T I GO?". Not this time. Gf and I got there Sat. nite, and the tix only cost $21 apiece. (((aside= ive noticed i'm blogging the prices of just about everything when i get a deal.................i'm so cheap !!))). And we got there on time, and w/out having to pay for pkg. !!! .

Sat in the faux Comisky Park 1991-2004 type upper deck @ La Salle Bank Theatre. WAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY up, but could see and hear. Well, hearing could be a problem when there was laughter followed closely by another line, but it was fine. Doubt centers around a nun who has 'no doubt' about an alleged abuse by a priest. I liked the priest a lot, he was my favourite character. The top nun was suberb as well (Cherry jones, a top theatre person). I must admidt that a big attraction to going to theatre, for this sexist, is to enjoy..............females. Not a factor in this play. Too far away to bask in ultimate beauty, and they girls were wrapped up in nuns-stuff. But the play charged me nontheless.

A thing about this play is that people debate about guilt/innocence after its over. Did I have doubt? No, the priest was innocent. I believed him. Gf, however, was all like, y'know, the priest is guilty. So, what does that say about me?
Loved the play, but it did not crack the List of Most Perfect Plays I have ever seen.
1. Terrible Tradegy of Peter Pan('02)
2.Lula ('06)
3.Amongst the Thugs('oo)
I liked Rent a lot as well.

26 January, 2007

Ah Blake, you couldn't've just hit that shot @ the end ?

They had their shot. Lost. Went to my alma mater (well, on the university level, it's one of three a.m.'s, I guess) Loyola University to watch L.U. play nationally ranked Butler (more bad guys from Indianapolis). Rarely (never?) went to BB games when I went there, it was a fun nite. #1 neice alerted me that I should go, and gf seconded it. Not a bad drive up, tix only $5 w/ 1/2 price coupon, revisit 2d best 'hood in the city (Marquette Park, still #1, although "#1 w/ a bullet" mite nowadays really mean.............ah, y get it.), and being able to reel off stories to gf and #1 neice comme Crankface pissing in this doorway; Freak living in dat room dere; it was on this strecht where we used to take PW's truck and eat down @ the water tower campus; there was Wags where, once, me and......................................................
But before I take a long trip down maturities lane : curious about the game? Check out my recap @ http://dachicagosports.blogspot.com/2007/01/loyola-v-butler.html .

So, a visit to my olde area, my olde era, then.................

I will admidt, and all who know me know, that It was hard for this Peter Pan to ever leave that college mileau (sic). Rite after university, it was straight to grad school on the course to become a prof. Just thrived in that enviroment, but little Peter Pan was too.........................Pannish to buckle down for work, and couldn't get beyond my lazyness. Then I went back to school for the teaching credentials, because my plan was teach for three years, become a mature adult, then finish the Ph.D. Never was asuccess as a classroom teacher, still a boy. Then the disaster of Market Garden (never you mind what happened), where it all just collapsed for a key 12h period, quit my teaching gigg, and just was a child for awhile. Months of recovery. Then, finally, finally, I made the move that, eventually, would get me just about to adulthood= the library move. And even that is a long and winding rue.

But, finally, the lite/tunnel thing has arrived. The library move has been such a good deal, I can't even begin to get you to understand what a revolution in my life this has been. Love the work, love the atmosphere, just love it.

Oh, I can get you to understand : Are you ready?
Being a librarian is just like being in university, except they pay you.

University was always 'the golden place' where I could always be the boy i always wanted to be, and just didn't want to leave. I 'm now out of the university-forever mindset, two score year into my life, and my life is just about there: I've studied the sand tables (ole to 'Band of Brothers' for so many new phrases/terms/ideas/examples of leadership, and the bits of friendships I've had touched by BOB), know how to secure the objective, and am just waiting for that chance again. And when the chance comes, it'll be mine, cause guess what?

I'm great @ this library thing, and every school would be lucky to have me, and I know it !!! There are plenty of librarians that are great, don't get me wrong, but I also know that I'm in that class.

To further the 'Band of Brothers' idea, what I really want out of myself is to be an officer like Winters, the top guy, an officer 101%, in that work of art. He was The Leader, led from the front, had all the answers. The Man. Being a librarian, @ this point, I find myself in the same situation. The kids know me, and they seek me out. My co-wekers totally love what I bring to the school, and I feel deeply appreciated. And I'm pretty happy @ this point in my job performance; only more experience is needed.
What I'm trying to say is, and the visit to Rogers Park triggered it, is that for the first time since I was a wee university lad, I have a comission (military speak for being an officer, not one in the ranks). For whatever reason, to lead is very important to me.
But I'm not a Queeg. J'aint gotta salute me. Unless its my birthday.

AND : got two tix to Doubt, superacclaimed Broadway play, fer just $20, fer to-nite.

25 January, 2007

der Magnetic Fields unt National trust

Two of my favourite bands

and I'm gonna pull a Blackie*.

S. Merrit is wonderful lyricist. Especially on new found love and deeply broken hearts. neither apply to me this moment in time, but they have in times past. He's good. Plus, the gender crazy lines (Amazing he's a whole new form of life/Blue eyes blazing and he's going to be my wife) : kool.

Here's some lyrics that I love, reproduced for you on my blog*:

When my boy walks down the street (s. merrit)

Grand pianos crash together when my boy walks down the street
There are whole new kinds of weather when he walks with his new beat
Everyone sings hallelujah when my boy walks down the street
Life just kind of dances through ya from your smile down to your feet
Amazing he's a whole new form of life
Blue eyes blazing and he's going to be my wife
The world does the hula-hula when my boy walks down the street
Everyone thinks he's Petula so big and yet so petite
Butterflies turn into people when my boy walks down the street
Maybe he should be illegal he just makes life too complete...
Amazing he's a whole new form of life
Blue eyes blazing and he's going to be my wife
Oh, shadows of echoes of memories
Oh, things that he brings that he found in the sea
Oh, shadows of echoes of memories of songs
Oh, how could he know that it won't be long...
Grand pianos crash together when my boy walks down the street
There are whole new kinds of weather when he walks with his new beat
Everyone sings hallelujah when my boy walks down the street
Life just kind of dances through ya from your smile down to your feet

National Trust

Always fun when you turn people onto kool music. @ school, the Greek responded to the M. fields, and two of the ladies in the library were rocking out to a pirate copy of the N.T. show @ Hideout (sold out show i missed). Forgot to bring Kings and Queens in. Manana. Probably some mag. fields as well.

last nite..............

........................was nice, somewhat.
Napped yesterday a lot, some 2h worth. It meant that I had to miss network news @ 5.30 (i'm such a junkie these days) and forced to watch BBC @ 10 (big deal), but rest is key. GF came over and it was very nice. She didn't have to work the next day, so it ws cool to just chill. Watched an olde Betty la fea (Ugly Betty). Then, talked, napped, and read NYT.
Nice nite........................it's been so long since Q, I always forget what its like to spend long days w/ a woman, day after day after day. W/ gf, she always has to go home (except for............TWICE.................in 18m). One of these days................................no, im not gonna cut up anybody into tiny little pieces.
Spent a sweaty nite, shivering, and then lotsa liquid sitting action on the toilet............................ spent the day NOT jaggling around (after, lets say, six weeks of 'heavy fighting'), so the classic symptoms showed up. Always, the first nite free after weeks/months of jaggling, sweating happens. Very strange.

ain't ain't ain't

Not really a fan, but this song is great. Great as in I wish I had a copy of this song to play @ a party. I'm not sure it would work, and it would totally depend on girls to get it going, but i give my imprature(sc) to this song.
An earlier, more slutty incarnation of Chris Ag. led Gallo to describe her look as one that had been fucked/used by a lot of large men and then cast aside. Or something like that. And it rang true. but.................................good song.

23 January, 2007

my bleeding work

Kids not in, its finals, and i can try to tackle small font numbers on this page and match them to those on the other pages while crosschecking it all on two open windows.............................but rite now i can blast the M.B. Valentines while i werke, so............................lifes little rewards...
eight @ gilmart....................it was breaded chix and barley kinda lunch fer me..............

22 January, 2007

Bears @ Crankfaces ( in progress)

The plan had been to watch the game @ Crankfaces @ 2pm. Lost time there, an hours worth, and was @ the place to collect gf an hour beforehand. Yeesh. Now I realise why couples like to live ensemble. So, thinking i'd missed her, I drove to the loop, finally got ahold of gf (not answering her calls) and had to haul around, spirt west again, get her, throw the bow around, and still got back to 'Faces before kickoff.
Stupid me. Gf was mad.

Nice game. I'll write up further in the dcs blog, but not yet.

Nice crowd. It was the hosts and the wife and I, follwed by Blackie. He had to do a dribble of work in da loop, but was over by halftime. Then litenoise* and heavynoise* showed up for the balance of the 2d half. And, when it was all over, here comes roxxxxxxxxxxx!! Always good to celebrate w/ frenz.

We were excited about the game. Drank a bit, but not too much. Foggy bottom.

Food was provided by the host. 'Face decided beforehand to make up some beef sandwiches, and he hit on a winner. I picked off the peppers both red and green, but enjoyed the melted cheese. Also, some good sorta sauce went on the fries-the name ?? I'll have to get some of that shit to put on my stuff. Crank 'faced me up w/ some seconds.
Left late, but not too bad. Drove gf to her car, and headed home to pass out in bed reading the paper.

*= again, give me some time to think up something original...its 9am on a monday..........

Happy B-Day !!

GF's friend has a friend who turned some age, and we went to the party. Turns out, I knew people there. One was from my school last year, and one is a teacher @ my school now. I had fun. Gf was happy, so so am I.

Low Key Medix / turning the tables

Decided to go for a wee bit of a drink, and it was basically just to see if medix or etc...were @ lanigans.............he was......................but he wanted naught to do with me..................i have a way w/...............neighbourhood types: They sometimes where they don't want to talk to freak..........................................reminds me of the story of Father Bob. Over the weekend I thought about him because of Army medic. Bob was in the neighbourhood I grew up in from time immorium (sc). he was a slow sort og gut who loved the priests. He always had pope buttons and crosses and etc draped about him (I mean, he would have 15 buttons of the pope, and 15 crosses, and 15...etc..................just to make sure that you realised that Bob was a Holy site when he walked about) and liked to talk to the 'hood kids......................except for one...........................................and that one was me. i was too familier with him : not in a mean way, but he didn't like the freak treatment.
Another story.
More tables Turned
10 years ago, Jamie Tree and I were on the Loyola el platform when 2 kids raced up to the platform and tried to intimidate us. However, it was freak and jamie they were trying to intimidate, so we gave them the freak/jamie treatment and they quickly raced away. The treatment? Just talked to them, and they realised whatever psychic goodies we think we are gonna get out of this little exercise is not worth it dealing with these two freaks..lets get out of here !!
i still chuckle...................

19 January, 2007


Got some.....................

.......looking for the one they call E-ZEE == The Mindworms @ work again

Save the Chief vs J&B (cage match)
Written by DL
names edited by Hilts

It was a crowded bar and an early start to trivia (for once) as J&B looked for its first win of the 2007 season. For the second time in a row, J&B is forced to sit away from its home table. Nobody ever forced Norm Peterson to move twice.

J&B represented by Chemical Man, Stix, hilts, Dragon, Gf and Lazers (and Pepys arrived for the post-game show)

TC Pub represented by Glasses, sporting perfume, curl in her hair, and looking fantastic tonight.

The competition: Save the Chief, Bar, Tres Senoritas, PTR, Kevin’s Out, and F’n Lloyd. Tonight, the Chief group included a cute Asian gal that appeared to be the girlfriend of the main Chief guy. Me do trivia all night long.

First Half: Entertainment/Music with “M”/Mostly 90s Bears

1998- sang “Frozen”?

The above question was the first question of the night, and whichever team went first used their Hangman option in order to corral those 50 points, at least tying if not setting the record for earliest use of Hangman ever.

1998- sang “Uninvited”?

The above was the second question of the night, and one of the other teams selected their Hangman option. Two questions, two Hangmen.

2002 Emmy for Best Actress- Comedy Series?

It wasn’t the third question of the night, but it was the third use of Hangman in the first quarter. Rookies.

2001- led Bears with 5 interceptions?
3 players led Bears twice each in receptions during the 90s?
2 players led the Bears three times each in sacks in the 90s?
1995 Oscar- Best Supporting Actress- Mira Sorvino- which movie?

A “Ladies Only Long-Distance Roll/Throw” pits J&B against the Bar. Gf battles Glasses…measurement needed…Rene is 52 inches away…. Glasses is 47 inches away…Bar takes the points.

Another “Long-Distance” battle pits J&B against Save the Chief (it may have been this point at which Benkowski tried to nip Chief’s verbal attempts to rattle J&B throwers in the bud). Hilts wins in a blowout.

Scores at the half: Bar 1080 J&B 970 Chief 620 Senoritas 470 Kevin 380 Lloyd 270 and PTR will start the second half.

Second Half: Chicago Locations/Music/Sports

Team with most World Series appearances in the 90s?
Only MLB player with over 14,000 career at-bats?
3 Bear quarterbacks with over 100 completions each, 1999 season?

A “Ladies Only Long-Distance Roll” pits J&B against Save the Chief. Rene against the Asian girl (for the only “ladies only” contest she agreed to join). Gf rolls first. The Asian girl then takes her attempt… which is immediately disqualified by Benkowski for not being a roll. The Chief is upset at the ruling. The main Chief guy is hot. The Asian girl is hot (I mean that literally- she did some great bending for her throw).

Trophy is bartending tonight and at one point comes over to tell us that it’s killing him that he has to be nice to us since he’s working.

After possibly being shut out during the third quarter, J&B has a strong finish (with the DQ of the Chief playing a big part)- Scores after two halves: J&B 2110 Bar 1620 Chief 1390 Kevin 990 Senoritas 670 F’n 610 PTR 320

Final Category- three options from which to choose:
1) Bears of the 2000s
2) Classic Sitcoms
3) Song Lyrics 80s/90s/00s

Two of three will win wager. All three correct wins a bonus.

J&B selects Sitcoms and wagers the classic (to beat the Bar by 1 if they double). Three teams selected Sitcoms, three teams selected Lyrics, and only the Bar selected the Bears.

1) Dick Van Dyke Show: Ritchie Petrie’s middle name?
2) Andy Griffith Show: trouble-maker from the hills named ______ _ ____?
3) I Love Lucy: Lucy Ricardo’s maiden name?

Lyrics (artist or song title):
1) 80s: “He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich”
2) 90s: “Slam me to the left, if you’re having a good time. Shake it to the right, if you know that you feel fine.”
3) 00s: “We’re in the car. We drive slow.”

1) Bears W-L record in 2000 (within 1)?
2) 2001-2002: caught 197 passes for over 2200 yards combined?
3) 2000- led Bears with 84 points?

Part II

J&B guesses Rosebud, Ernest T Bass, and McGillicuddy. Although Art is highly upset at one of the Tres Senoritas using her cell phone, J&B is confident it has all 3 correct and should cruise to victory.

First Half answers:
Alanis Morisette
Jennifer Aniston
Mike Brown
Wendell Davis, Bobby Engram, Jeff Graham
Richard Dent, Jim Flanigan
Mighty Aphrodite

Second Half answers:
Atlanta Braves
Pete Rose
Cade McNown, Shane Matthews, Jim Miller (great use of Hangman by J&B to get this answer correct)

Final Question:

PTR- 320- Sitcoms- only guess was Lucille Ball (no)- wagered 320- thanks for playing.

F’n Lloyd- 610- Lyrics- guesses Men at Work (yes), Cha Cha Song (no), How Bizarre (no)- wagered 610- thanks for playing.

Tres Senoritas- 670- Sitcoms- guess Rosebud (yes), Ernest T Bass (yes), McGillicuddy (yes)- wagered 670- with bonus- up to 4340.

Kevin’s Out- 990- Lyrics- guesses Men at Work (yes), Mambo #5 (no), Dixie Chicks (no)- wagered 990- thanks for playing.

Save the Chief- 1390- Lyrics- guesses no guess (no), Hippy Hippy Shake (no), Pussycat Dolls (no)- didn’t catch their wager, but thanks for playing.

Bar- 1620- Bears- guesses 5-11 (yes), Marty Booker (yes), Jeff Jaeger (no)- wagered 1820, which is 200 more than they had- Benkowski credits them for wagering 1620- up to 3240- good score…not good enough.

J&B- 2100- Sitcoms- not a lot of tension here- Rosebud (yes), Ernest T Bass (yes), McGillicuddy (yes)- wagered 1131- with bonus- up to 6241 and the victory.

Missing answers- Lyrics:
Men at Work song was “Down Under”
Spice Girls- “Spice Up Your Life”
Danity Kane- “Showstopper”

Paul Edinger

The main Chief guy quickly storms out (as usual). I believe Gf yelled “ignorant” as he was headed out the door. He ticks her off.

One of the Tres Senoritas gals comes over later and asks if we’re J&B (as if she couldn’t see the championship belts around our waists). She congratulated us and was happy that her team beat the Bar. She was encouraged to start yelling “Bar sucks!”

St Bedes update: the trivia night at St Bedes starts at 7:00 on February 24th. Maximum of 10 per team. Cost of $125 per team. Teams can bring their own food, but any drinks must be purchased there. I think the J&B roster right now:

In- Stix, Morning Nurse, Chemical Man, Hilts, pepys, Lazers, Dragon
Moho- in?
K.- in?
Gf- in?
Chemical Man mentioned his friend that came last time as another option (another Mike?)?

World Series of Pop Culture update: one of the other times he stopped by, Trophy mentioned that the vh-1 show will be holding auditions in Chicago in early February. Art indicated last time they were looking for people younger than 35. If I remember, I’ll review the website to see if the age restriction still holds.

J&B will look to defend its victory at the next TC Pub trivia night- February 1st.

18 January, 2007


Took 90% of the day on a cool shopping mission. There is this college (Shimer) that is moving to unite w/ IIT near Comisky. They have a book sale, and I was able to strenghten our collection of art history, drawing books (like the nudes), a bit of Marx, an Akers-Stahl bio, and etc............ Shimer is way up in WauKeegan, so I had the liteyear trip from Mt. Greenwood to the Wisc. border, but it got done.
First time I set foot in WauKeegan as well. When we were 14-15, we'd take Metra trips out to the small suburbs that ring Chicago (Elgin, Aurora, etc...) to explore their little downtowns. Today was WauKeegans turn. Nice place.
To this day, I have a fascination about "Main Street"'s in either small towns/cities or in the kool 'hoods of the city. Growing up in the 'hood that I did, I developed this deep respect for the "Walking City" type community. The "Walking City" refers to the older types of neighbourhoods before the advent of cars where everybody had to walk to get their daily bread. Now it's all parking lots.
Marquette Park was this type of 'hood. We had department stores, cornershops, bookshops, grocery stores, ma and pa record stores (many !!!) etc etc etc all over the place. The street scence was always bustling. I will save my roofing stories for another day, but leave you with this little story.
With my rural irish cousin in Ireland in 2000 or 1999, and on passing an impossibly green valley, beautiful nature and stuff, he said to me I've always thought that this is the real Ireland. I replied that My favourite view of Ireland was the view of Ballyshannon's twin main streets ...................
..................................opens to the twin ideas of :
Not nature, but concrete for me/ not nature, but humans for me

17 January, 2007

Battle Happy

Got an email from Roxxxxxxxsaying he had lunch with workmates, but these are no ordinary workmates= they are actually frenz of mine (Snowden and Smokey Treats)................it was just 2 degrees of seperation.
So tonite I hpe to sleep on the North Side somewhere (well, 2 sites), because I have to go to WauKeegan for a college's booksale. The start in the morning of the 30 or so kilometers would help greatly. It will be kinda cool to be out of the building, but also I will be thinking ill be missing something, like whn yr frenz went out when you couldn't and they had a kick ass experience doing something.............ah, WauKeegan will be fun..................
wake me up, before..................

16 January, 2007

Monday Monday (Bird Part)

Hawks and Parrots and Starlings
Since I had the afternoon off, I payed with the birds. My sister brings back bread from one of her 2d jobs (she has 3), and I threw it out the window all day. I'd throw 3-4 muffins into the backyard, and before long 80-100 starlings envelope the bkyd squabbling over the bread. By now, all the birds know that mine is a feed yard, so like a sales shopper, im sure they peek into the yard from time to time to snack on the food we've thrown out. I did this from 8am till last lite. The Monk Parakeets also came by, as they do every day. Monday I officially counted 18 parrots, and i'm sure there were 4 more. Wilde total. So, I had record numbers of birds, all day, and what tops it all off....................................
................................but a Coopers Hawk, undoutably focused on the giant bird ruckus that was my backyard, suddenly popped up out of no-where and alighted on the telephone wire------and @ his feet, motionless, was a tiny mourning dove, trapped, out in the open............................
Cooper hung for 1m, all regal and brown and big-in-context, then flew off, never bothering the little dove.
Whew, I watched the whole scene and was hoping the dovewould get away.
Oh, and the cardinal !!
Mrs. Cardnal popped her head into the open window of the basement before flying off. Nice to see her, and almost in the house. Funny.

Monday Monday (non bird part)

Was gonna take care of all this stuff, and..................

Did not.

Did call circut city and they told me i can get the tax free purchase if i bring in my tax free letter and paid by CASH.....what? No credit card or cheque ? CASH??
Ok by me.

So now I have to get a computer I want targeted again, since the one i'd targeted is gone.

GF came over, and we just hung out.

Dinner @ Gallos

A Review
Sunday nite after the holidays was a good time to check out the scene @ Gallos, Evanston's place for fine dining. If you will remember, Gallos had a longstanding scene in Rogers Park before space requirements required their lease to be transferred to the suburbs several years back. Their new shop is expansive compared with the old, but retains the Rogers Park charm of the original.
With the holidays over, I was hoping for space for my date and I would not be too hard to acquire. Luckily, since I know the owners, I was seated ( however, it was not @ my normal spot, but close by) Gallos has two main chefs, Gallo himself and his wife Shipley* . Generally, ideas come from both. Their dish for this nite, coq a la Gallo avec les pommes de terre, is ususlly prepared by Gallo. However, Shipley was on point for the nite. There was no word on why (Gallo drunken and vomiting on the bathroom carpet was not the excuse for this nite), but the usual high quality of the kitchen was kept through this substitution.
The meal was suberb. The chicken was juicily cooked, and the skin (best part of any chicken) was crunchy delight. Shipley used some turkey juice to achieve that 'Evanston taste' they are so famous for. Fingers had to be resorted to to eat up all the yums. The potatoes were likewise tasty. Dipped into the sauce was the way to go. Topped all that off with a bottle of Bois de Chuck cider and a lip of Bois de Sasha, and I was Ali G. We finished with chocolate cake from a bottle.
A Reflection
Best story of the whole nite was noticed only by me. Little girl #2 was playing with mom Shipley, and the look on her face @ one moment was read by me thus:
"Oh ! I did whatever I usually do to make Mom happy!! Mom is happy !! Oh, she's hugging me, just like I planned it !! YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*couldn't tell ya, it just popped up.....................i like it


Did I do Anything Saturday ??
I'm pretty sure that gf came over (she did), and we watched some "Betty la Fea", which we are trying to develop into a show we can watch, since outr others are now dust (wait=lost soon= wait= sopranos=??)
I'll update this later when i remember what i did.
Probably sat on my back and read.

"Have you ever thought about just killing yourself ?"

Went to my old school to watch soccer practice. Didn't play.
Afters, Gf met me in the pkg lot of the school and we went on a battle cruise to ns. I'd heard some solo Jagger discs and wanted the same. This week we planned and were excited about going to lanigans, the local. We gambled for Ted and Army Medic, but only got Medic. But a new reglur made the scene, the Sad Cuck.
Army Medic was in good form. The only place open on the bar was rite next to him, so gf volunteered to bite the bullet and sit next to him. he actually wasn't that bad. Gf pointed out that he will 'harasse' some people for awhile, then move on to the next. We assumed that he knew his massive impact on people trying for a quiet drink, so he hangs for a bit then moves on.
No Ted, but the Sad Cuck. His sad story, and it is sad: His wife left him for someone else. He now has a complex about black men and his wife. Very depressed individual. He once turned to me, a year ago, and outed with "Have you ever thought about just killing yourself ?". Nice guy, I like to see him.
St. Nixxx, the bartender, and he came up w/ a good one. My rep. @ lanigans mite be best described as.......um..............a 'freak'.......................when gf was telling St. Nixxx that I shouldn't have talked to Army medic (he won't shut up, she intones), St. Nixxx says in his heavy brouge "They're related". So, my rep @ Lanigans is related to that of an unintelligable scouser. I like !!

12 January, 2007

Last nite

Spent a long time fixing the hole in my cat== well, it was two front tires and a new battery, all for $191. I felt bad cause i went to the 'hood guy who does my oil change to get his price (about $240) and left for the cheaper price. Gf, again the best, drove me around and jumped my car. She's good. So, how does it feel to drive on new tires..............oh yes, there's a difference. Nice

dachicagosportsblog new item from me !!

Its on Becks == hit "show original comment"


11 January, 2007

saw an accipiter (picture of a starling)

Saw an accipiter (hawk type) on pulaski in search of breakfast...................................this is a picture of a starling, one of my favourites........we have a faux birdbath in the backyard (its a plastic box) and the birds all stop by to drink from it..........and the squirrels.....and i promise that this blog will not be a birders blog.................................although gf and I are planning a little trip to starved rock in 2wks............s.rock has a bald eagle population in the winter, and since ive never seen one, i thought it's be worth the 1 1/2h trip there. The problem is that since its so balmy out, the Eagles haven't needed to travel so far South in search of food yet. So trip (for stated goal) mite be a bust.


Get On The Bus!!
Bound to happen @ some point, but my battery died and one of the front tires is essentially flat, so I am on the Bus once again. To-morrow i'll be bussing it again. I took bus a lot last year till April, when I was be-carred. I got into the habit of trying to sleep on the bus, but after a week or so the drivers allways want to talk. I'd be 90% alseep, but too polite to tell the guy "LET MY PEOPLE SLEEP !!". Got nobody I knew to-day, so i was all able to read nyt and Bushes speech last nite. Loved it.
I've said this before, but i'm 100% social and 100% anti-social all @ the same time. I love the bus and el because its such a great people watching place, but @ the same time, not too many frenz are riding, so I can read/space out when i want.
Gf is to collect me today so we can drive to get car fixed. Good gf. I love my car big time (thanx jaxx and wall). Two new tires and a battery. Not too bad.
Disaster. So, Tuesday was my LAST TRIP TO THE DENTIST (3 pulled/5 root canals) for the present work being done. Until one of my teeth fractured this wkd, now I have to go to a specialist to get it taken out. This was work done in the last year, so gf was saying I should have him pay.....we'll see (oh, who am i kidding, im too much of a wimp).

09 January, 2007

In praise of suet

So, my backyard has fully been outed by the Monk Parakeets in the 'hood. I have a suet feeder up that these birds love, so I've been getting them a lot the last few months. Saturday was high tide, as 14 were in the yard eating or waiting their turn (previous hi was eight). Pretty birds, and freaky to see them in a Chicago Jan. The suet feeder (a little metalcage with animal fat and seeds in it) is also a favourite wit the 'hood woodpeackers. Well, I get a Downy woodpecker every few days. Lastly, my tongue in cheek favourites, the Starlings, also feed off of the suet. They can clean out one suet feeder in a day in the summer, so I do not have it out in that season. However, for winter they do not eat it that much, so i can change it every 5-6 days or so (they cost about $1). Finally, cardinalas cardnilas will also eat off it when its regular feeder is out of food. That's the Cardinal, by the way.
Next bird update:
Rock Doves.

oh ! a list!

1) replace the tires on the front of the car
2)name the car
3)pick up the wood for the bookshelves
4)replace the desk
oops, this is my to-do list for xmas.....................how come they're not done??

nothing to write today

Actually, I have lots, but I never get a chance to sit in front of the computer to tanslate any of my thoughts.............but..............I love this job, but boy the life of a substitute teacher again...........................Got a last xmas gifts these last 2 days..................got Koln (err, cologne) from a workmate, and also a tie. Like'm both. Tie will be worn to-morrow.
Ok, i quit. I have nothing of interest to say, and I'm just wasting yr time dribbling off @ the pen: that's not why any of you read this blog.................so, sorry, for today, but to-morrow.................?
I'll try again.

Trying to leave........

........but they just want to talk to me...........................dammit

Gilmart again

Make a point of never eating gilmart 2 in a row, buy there i was to-day, eating the pork and cabbage (double helping) and the slaw.

08 January, 2007

20,000 more troops

So the talk is 20,000 more troops for our army in Iraq.

Two thoughts:

1)Didn't we just have a national election in which the idea basically was "Get our troops out of IRAQ!!!" Right ??

2)Although I totally think I am, and bore all before me talking about it, I am in reality not a military man. But, thinking as a military man, who has just been told that his field army was to be expanded by 20,ooo troops, I'd be hopping over the moon. So, I'm not a military man and really don't know the situation on the ground in Iraq rite now, but its funny how the top 2 generals (before Bush just replaced them) didn't want the 20,000 extra.

Make sure you realise that I am opposed to this war, and am not advocating the extra 20,000, but thought it wierd that generals would not want extra. It could be that 100,000 are needed to make a real difference, not just 20,000, and they realise that the 'pennypacket' reinforcements are just that. Lets put it this way, 20,000 wouldn't have helped Von Paulus @ Stalingrad, Nov. 1942 or Feb. 1943.

Party !!

And a few of you will hear it here first.
Although I'm* the delagator maximus* in reality, I'm gonna proudly announce, though a bit disingeniously, that my frenz are throwing me a Birthday Party*, AND I CAN'T WAIT !! *
It's gonna be in Uptown* (oops, make that "RAVENSWOOD" ) on Feb. 10*, so makes yr dates invoilable for that day, please *
*= well, the party is for the Four Birthdays (4 frenz who have proximate b-days) but to my frenz in particular i'm gonna run the "MY WONDERFUL FRENZ ARE THROWING ME A PARTY AND WHY AREN'T YOU SHOWING UP BECAUSE YOU HATE ME AND I THOUGH YOU WERE MY FRIEND I WENT TO YOUR PARTY SO WHY DO YOU HATE ME ??" gambit to try and railroad people into going

and a new gary Younge


Best part of New Years Party

Drunken Gunners reacting to "Crazy".


Back @ school after a long break.............got so lazy and unproductive that its best im back.................ate @ Gilmart, a nearby Polish store that has a cheap lunchcounter that we eat @ a lot............i'm sure that ive mentioned it before, but i eat there twice a week.....its nice walking distance from school, has lots of smelly people, retirees, Polish workmen on lunch, students, etc...great food, and cheap prices..................i make sure that i donot eat there everyday so's i do not get sick of it....................had the breaded pork, cheese something, and colesaw stuff type things.......continued my cheap ways when i was shown that the free lemon water is a better deal that the $1.00 lemonade i was used to getting.................................was very hard to get up to-day, but am feeling good about being in this place........feelings of productivity

Wedding on Saturday

WWW.wojo's (not a link, don't try) sister had a wedding party on saturday, and gf and I were invited. It was way out south in some suburb or other, and I fer one had a good time. Only dansed once, to a slow song, I wish I dansed more. Should 've. I was pretty socialble and talked a lot. Lots of people I didn't know, but that's ok. Didn't drink much, which is good because something about an open wine botle in front of me to make me sick..... Gf and I had our souls stolen................I mean, we had our picture taken, and it looked pretty good. I dressed conservatively.

05 January, 2007

Old Gary Young article


oh, reading !!

Last Winters break I was a deamon, in many ways both good and bad...however, I was a good deamon in that i made especial effort to read read read like i was 16again over the break, and it went well. I read that great book by Atkinson, An Army @ Dawn, and The Destruction of the Bismarck, DaVinci Code, Red Storm over the Reich, a bad book on Wake Island, and something else...............a lotta reading over those 2 weeks..............................THIS Winters break, however, is a mess.i dunno what happened...................am reading
# Once a King, always a King, a book about gang life from a Humbolt Park kid,
# an an historical atlas of the Muslim world, a book geared @ HS students but I'm gleaning some history from it.
#I got 2 manga novels I will finish before Monday.
Very lite, unfocused reading. Too much NYT takes up my time........poor gf, having to deal with my reading habit, lackluster as it has once again become.

nipping in to update a wee bit......

So I went to Fox's lumber w/ list in hand (2x87', and 8 x 28'=6 boards, it turns out) for my new bookshelf, but had no lumber. Then went to Home Despot for boards, but they had some cheapie stuff so I never bought it. Then to St. X. to read up on last nites update and post it here(oops, gotta remember to credit Idol for the material). No bookshelves to-nite. Good, for all the lazy in me. @ least i went to get it, huh??

Mindworms late last nite

National Trivia Day +++ written by DL

It was Opening Day of the 2007 trivia season, an appropriate starting date that coincided nicely with National Trivia Day (celebrated on ESPN Classic with a marathon of “Stump the Schwaub”). TC Pub was adorned with bunting and balloons, and Andy the Clown entertained children with his yells of “Ahhhhh…Year…Of…Birth!”

With a typically large Opening Day crowd, J&B is forced from their usual location and ends up at one of the front tables. The group that invaded J&B’s space (and played under the name Slackers) included a gal whose jeans fit very nicely (nicknamed T-Jeans).

J&B represented by: Chemical Man, Hilts, Dragon, Gf and lazers

Competition: Bar, Save the Chief, Tres Senoritas, the aforementioned Slackers, and Chuck Norris Superfriends

TC Pub represented by: the waitress earlier nicknamed Weird One, now known as Dark Child

First Half: Mostly Music/Today’s Sports Section/Entertainment

Born in 1970, she sold more cds than anyone else in the 90s?
Finished 2nd in the NFL is scoring in ’06?
Led NFC in rushing in ’06?
Mary Jane Girls’ “In My House” (1985)- produced by whom?
AFC quarterback with 11-1 touchdown/interception ratio in ’06?
AHL (minor league hockey) team from Manitoba?

Hilts calls Tres Senoritas “drunken Communists” after they select the music category. The Senoritas call themselves Communists when they later pick music again.

The first time J&B elects to utilize a “throw the ball” trick, Chief tries to distract Hilts by yelling “Wiggy!” just as he throws the ball. Benkowski is not pleased with the lack of sportsmanship and puts an immediate stop to such shenanigans. Gf admits that she doesn’t like the main Chief guy- he always has a comment to make.

Chemical Man and Gf scrap over paying for a round. As Chems leaves his stool to get around her to switch her money for his, GF stops him with a “Sit down, you little shit.”

Scores at the half: Chief had the lead, Slackers 870, Bar ??, J&B 420, Chuck Norris 360, Senoritas 190

Second Half: 70s & 90s Music/Chicago Sports/US & World Capitals and Cars

Number of seasons Bill Melton led Sox in homers?
Only Texas Ranger to play more than 1500 games as a Ranger?
Sox assistant general manager?
All-time hit leader for Yankees with 2721?

For J&B’s 4th and final throw, the ball bounces around and is lost. Benkowski: “That sucks.”

Under a proposed rule change (which I think was suggested from another location), teams would be allowed a maximum of three correct answers in a row then control of the board would move to the next team. Benkowski may experiment with the rule on a trial basis. Smacks of mid-80s NHL fascism to me.

Scores after two halves: Chief 2500 Bar 1550 Slackers 1080 Chuck Norris 750 Tres Senoritas 630 J&B 610

That’s right: J&B had the lowest score going into the final question.

Final Category: teams are allowed to choose between 1990s NFL or 1990s Movies. Every team selects the movie category.

J&B wagers 590- leaving 20 points, just in case.

Final Question: 7 of 10 wins wager…all 10 wins 3000 bonus points

Given the 10 winners for Best Supporting Actor during the 1990s, name the respective movies. The names (alphabetically): Michael Caine, James Coburn, Cuba Gooding Jr, Gene Hackman, Tommy Lee Jones, Martin Landau, Jack Palance, Joe Pesci, Kevin Spacey, Robin Williams.


J&B guesses: Caine (Cider House Rules), Coburn (Family), Gooding (Jerry Maguire), Hackman (Unforgiven), Jones (The Fugitive), Landau (Ed Wood), Palance (City Slickers), Pesci (Goodfellas), Spacey (Usual Suspects), Williams (Good Will Hunting)

J&B is certain of all of its answers except Coburn- we knew the movie but couldn’t come up with the name. We made up the name “Family.”

First Half answers:
Mariah Carey (J&B incorrect guess: Whitney Houston)
Robbie Gould
Frank Gore (J&B incorrect guess: Tiki Barber)
Rick James
Damon Huard (correct J&B guess)

Second Half answers:
Three seasons
Jim Sundberg (correct J&B guess)
Rick Hahn
Lou Gehrig

Final Question:

J&B- 610- answers listed above- 9 correct- wagered 590- up to 1200

Tres Senoritas- 630- guesses Caine (?), Coburn (?), Gooding (Jerry Maguire- yes), Hackman (Crimson Tide- no), Jones (Fugitive- yes), Landau (Ed Wood- yes), Palance (City Slickers- yes), Pesci (Goodfellas- yes), Spacey (American Beauty- no), Williams (Birdcage- no)- only 5 correct- wagered 629- down to 1

Chuck Norris- 750- guesses Caine (Cider House- yes), Coburn (Tombstone- no), Gooding (Maguire- yes), Hackman (Crimson Tide- no), Jones (Fugitive- yes), Landau (On Golden Pond- no), Palance (City Slickers- yes), Pesci (Goodfellas- no), Spacey (Suspects- yes), Williams (Dead Poets Society- no)- 6 correct- wagered 750- thanks for playing.

Slackers- 1080- guesses Jones (Fugitive- yes), Gooding (Maguire- yes), and I’m not sure who all of these guesses were for, but they also listed The Matrix, Birdcage, Hoosiers, Dead Man Walking and My Cousin Vinny- only 2 correct- wagered 1080- thanks for playing.

Bar- 1550- guesses Caine and Coburn (A Fish Called Wanda and Road to Perdition- not sure which was for whom- both wrong), Gooding (Maguire- yes), Hackman (Unforgiven- yes), Jones (Fugitive- yes), Landau (Ed Wood- yes), Palance (City Slickers- yes), Pesci (Goodfellas- yes), Spacey (Suspects- yes), Williams (Hunting- yes)- 8 correct- wagered 1550- up to 3100 and the lead.

Save the Chief- 2500- guesses Caine and Coburn (Miss Congeniality and Crimson Tide- not sure which was for whom- both wrong), Gooding (Maguire- yes), Hackman (Unforgiven- yes), Jones (Fugitive- yes), Landau (Ed Wood- yes), Palance (Slickers- yes), Pesci (Goodfellas- yes), Spacey (Suspects- yes), Williams (Hunting- yes)- 8 correct- wagered 1900- up to 4400 and the victory- which the Chief celebrates by leaving almost immediately (same old Chief).

Considering the result, J&B decides it is for the best that they didn’t come up with the Coburn movie (answer: Affliction)- even with the bonus points, we lose. That would have looked even worse.

The NFL category would have been to name the 10 NFL Defensive Players of the Year during the 1990s. I would suggest some research, but Benkowski had the Bar guessing them after trivia, so I assume he won’t pull the category out as a Final Question again. (Note: in case he does, some of the answers Kearney Meats said were Bruce Smith-3, Reggie White, Dana Stubblefield, Deion Sanders, Bryce Paup).

Hilts is going to get details for St Bede’s trivia, which looks to be scheduled for February 24th. Hopefully J&B will be well past its poor showing from the 2007 Opener.

04 January, 2007

you killed your back on this, buts its finished, isn't it?

to-morrow, my favourite, Ithica
look for linkage

31 dec party

Was wit gf @ Gunners to celebrate news years:
Started up there early to make sure we could watch the (upcoming) Bears fiasco, and did just that. Realized to call before hand to make sure they were expecting people that early. They said sure, 8pmstart , great, come over, but really they weren't expecting people over that early, they were just being cool.
Watched game on big tv till the game was ousted to the little room. By then, the whole bears effort had also been shunted to the back room, so it was ok...................gf brought nice champaign, and i swigged a bit the whole nite, though I made sure not to get drunk and sick and icky......................people arrived eventually, and it was like a gathering of marshals of france @ some royal ceremomny...................was that Marshal Smoky Treats and wife, back from a long campaign in the Pacfic Tropics? And there, Marshal Chartman, did he arrive by coach? What did Marshal le Vampire and Wife have to say about the champaigns? And Marshal Lipton and wife : how goes the campaign against the Raleighites? Sorry, we watched Marie Antonette recently, which explains all this. Also, Snowden, BBoy, strangers, etc were there...
Gf enjoyed the, which makes it all alright.
Had lots of food..............gf brought stuff to nibblize, and the Gunners had lots of great shit......cheese, crax, sausage, etc.....
No babies about, parents took a well deserved rest this nite....revellie to-morrow...................!!
Lots of great drunken display. You can depend on Gunners to be goofily-glowering (emphesis on goofy, the glowering just from the height of the man), and he was. Also, Lipton/Joker got painted face, and was brambling on @ his 1am clip quite nicely. But the big suprise was Smokey Treats, who ended up vomiting on the back porch. He said We two are the only ones to see what just happened, which i took @ the time to mean Don't tell anyone what you just saw, but which I obviously now take to mean something completely else, which is I think this is a funny story and here it is ....
There were young people having a party upstairs as well. We could here them outside when people went out to smoke. They were very loud through the celing as well. Pearl of Say had her 31 Dec party as well, but I didnt make it this year. She is to get married, and I think it may have been her last party. The days of massive party hopping on 31 Dec are over for the most part. Parties where there are single women, that Holy Hossana and essential building block of both parties and the bar culture, have waned quicker than the Polar Bears enviroment, and the context is fixed in the firmament. Well, I'm the most Peter Pan of them all, but yes I can see the manuscript of it all, accept it, and move on: but i still like of the lite, to rage, rage, etc etc......................It's just funny how life evolves: I wanted to write that.

sewerwater @ last

It's amazing how time can jettison.....................so sorry about the delay in any new posts, is everybody ready......ladies and gentlemen, the greatest sorry joe in the world (the greatest sorry joe in the world), the sloppy joes!! (the sloppy joes!!)................
maybe i'm amazed @ the way ive become so so lazy overnite..............................this brak has been nice, but im just so much more productive when school is on....................i had all these plans (most to do long overdue projects) to do and ive succeeded in scant of them................
Some are (not done being):
A new military history bookshelf
to get the 3 long rows of books up off of my floor. I plan to build a seven/11' hi rows, 3.5 ft across all wood behemoth. I have two similar ones, built in summers past (that one replacements song, about cutting the grass before summer passes??), but this one is a tweak on the design. The two originals were eight row/10' hi . And all three have a 12' bottom. The problem with the two originals is that most books do fit nice w/ 10', but 11' makes almost all fit great (the 12' ft bottom for all those scallywags). I figure that my military history collection would fit great in that w/ the singular exception of the ww2 stuff, which i think now needs a smalle, but still tuff, shelve of its own.
Laptop heaven
New comp on the way, shoulda had it by now, called in first few days to get it but.............problem with my tax free documents from the school. The jerks need my payment to be on a school cheque, so there goes $60+ for tax. Am waiting for schooo to start to ask if i have any room to manauver(sc).
Destruction of the temple.
Tossing downstairs the old giant heavy metal office desk in my........"study".............and replacing it with two lite metal file cabinets and a smallish board across it for my laptop. Space and weight.
There are others, but its all that comes to mind rite now..............