05 November, 2008

On Voting

I've said it before, but I gave up voting in American elections after 1992. I voted for Clint, Mosley Braun, and then a series of Socialist Workers Party candidates as trustees for Champaign. I claimed deep patriotism in 1996 as my reasons for washing my hands of those peoples system of claiming legitimacy. But, of course, I came back. Didn't Nader and that fantastic feel in progressive peoples psyche of 'possibilities' spur us all? He sure spurred me (along w/ my other influences - Michael Parenti was THE other big influence to get re involved).

So, I voted. My big dilemma was to vote Green or vote for Nader. Yes, I understand the tilting @ windmills deal, but you must understand the democrats say nothing to me about my life deal. It wasn't an easy decision. I felt Green headed to the polls, but conflicted. How am I supposed to vote against him? There was that pause, before headed into the polling place, trying to force myself to a choice. I felt Green, but how am I supposed to vote against him?

There were no lines. I was glad. I had conditioning for my girls earlier and then a Popeyes party (to celebrate President Obama's vistory - yes, i was expecting it, yes I voted against him, and yes, it's kool.) to plan and execute for later.

But I first had to vote.

Some was easy. Green candidate for Senator? YEAHHHHHH CONNECT the lines!!

Green candidate for whatever? YEAHHHHHH CONNECT the lines!!

Vote for president? Not yet!!

There were seventy - yes I counted - seventy "NO" votes on whether they should be retained (The Jokers magic command to "Vote no on all the judges" - wondrous.

There was a no vote on whether to re do the Illinois constitution. The teachers Union wanted it to go down, and I'm union.

And then, for a few minutes, with everything done except on measure (recall) I wasn't gonna vote on - and president. And I gotta tell you -it wasn't easy. We'd been trained that we have to create a movement, and to build a party. Nader taught us that. And in the end, I thought it was important to follow up the 17% Green vote in the last Illinois governess election w/ as many votes for the party two years later.

So, yes, I voted against Ralph Nader. How strange is that ??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In a horrible voting result, the chance to decriminalize prostitution was shot down in San Francisco yesterday. Stupid bitches and bastards!