17 November, 2008

more movies more movies more movies

So on Saturday - if this may be a continuation of another sorts of my post on the endless streams of cinema i'd be viewing lately - with a whopper of a picture day planned, i'd even made it into evermore of a cinematic holiday than I'd ever thought.......ok, on w/ it....

So, on this Saturday past, i saw not three but four movies. i got up real early and figgered I'd start to make my way through the DVD's and VCR tapes topped hi on the telly.

"Bitter Rice" - continuing my Italian konk, this was a very enjoyable film -and not just cause there was scantily clad Italian beauties wrestling in the mud. At times too heavy handed, this was one of my favourite of the films I've seen recently. Not as good as "Matthew" or "Commmare secca", it takes third amongst my recent Italian likes.

ok. so that's one great film for the day. lets go to the master, pasolini, far another one.

"Arabian nights" by Pasolini - Shit. Disappointed,ent. Lots of full frontal nudity, and a especial escene of three nymphs splashing about naked in a bath. Even that doesn't allow this dreg to make it interesting. Shit. Badly written, acted, and yes - directed. Shit.

"Louisiana Story" -by Robert Flaherty. Oh, I wonder why i wanted to watch this one. Actually, one of the subs @ school kept talking about Flaherty's "Nanook of the North", so i thought i'd give this short film a try. Pretty good - about the old swamps of Louisiana and the encroachment of the oil industry. Boy, kool shots of the wilderness - yes, i'd like to go canoeing there.

"Into the Wild" - It was Her who wanted to watch this - I was up for something a little more Italian (sorry for all the jokes on Italian films - I'll get over it soon), but womans gotta have it. Turns out that although there is a sense of depression throughout the film, it is very life affirming @ the end.

The main guy, a 22-24 yo. rich kid who decides to run away from life and hide away in the wilderness. He obviously has a bit of Christ in him - there are scenes of him w/ people and alone - and the basic message of the films reaffirms my reasoning as to why Jesus the Christ - or even Jesus the human - is far far far superior to John the Baptist. Figger out why (but, something about weddings -v- buses as places to hang out)


Bluestem said...

We just watched Frederico Fellini's Amarcord, which is at times hauntingly beautiful and at times somewhat bizarre. In other words, Fellini-esque.

Hilts said...

Thank you, i am working on it rite now