Saw it last nite, on the telly/DVD.................its a french cinema
film, one of three that, i think, tell the same story but from various movie types..................i know last nites was a thriller, and i will admidt IT WAS THRILLING ( i loved it), and one is a romantic comedy.............i never have time anymore (i know, my refrain from the last 2 years, and the more amt of time i have this year -v- last year is mind boggling ) so i could only watch one of the three before returning the dvd to the library..............d'accord, i'd wanted to watch the movies in the cinema when they had their chicago release last year, but 'time is against me now' , and then, so its dvd or, the funny funny i want to impart to you is my total love of the french language, and rite after i finished the movie, i immedily (SC) started my pidgin french, as in calling the dog to come "aller !!" and "vite ! vite !".....i also started to imitate the main actor , swift and sure in his actions, when i took The Attack On Foy ("aller ! vite ! vite !" )to the lib to return the DVD......................loved it, great movie..........................saw also, w/ gf, daybreak, on the telly........................great, again

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