26 December, 2006

Friday nite forgots

Gf and I went to the Local #1 Friday nite and ran into of that bars bigger characters. Gf and I spent a lot of time talking to Tedwardian, a 70 yo guy who i see up there on fridays nursing his beer for hours. A real nice guy who doesn't mind the 99.6% of the time when Freak shows up in our conversations. My favourite is to tell him about my bringing up a high class hooker to the bar, and when he turns around to see its always gf. he is amused.
Then, there's Army Medic. This boys WAAAAAAY out there. WAAAAAAY out. He gets plastered and sticks to the same several topics again and agian (yes, like me). But he's almost impossible to understand, is very demonstrative, and deeply draining to be around. Its just so hard if yr there more than 1/2h. Luckily, he was running about the crowded bar friday nite.
Also, found $20 !! I was able to make myself laugh big time when I got a round for gf, myself, Tedwardian, and Army Medic. I asked Army Medic what he wanted but his jabbering was too incomprehesionable (like my typical blog enteries) to be understood. So I went to the 'keep, jolly St. Nixx, and said " I want a cider, beers (?), and, I'd like to get him a drink but can't understand what he wants." St. Nixx knew.
Two Ciders. Stuuffed.

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