01 December, 2006

America - Chivas

Soccer, Mexican style, the semifinals, and it's the two big teams: America and Chivas....................
I have 3 pro soccer teams i follow and root for heavy:
Chicago Fire (USA)
Manchester United (of England)
Team America (Mexico City)
THE big rivalry has been set since Sunday, and I have been good naturedly ribbing those kids in the red and white striped Chivas jerseys about the game.....................so today, on the heels of the 0-2 America loss (1st game of 2), I have had to face the music......................gf watched it with me (she's seen more soccer games in the last 16m+ than, well, ever................ you get the idea, bless her) and i just knew id catch shit................................................then again, i just love to 'catch shit'. ...................................when the Cubs (Chicago) had their minor run (wild card qualifiers then 1st rd playoff win) in 2003 i made a point of wearing my Sox shit to the Polyphonic Spree @ Metro and walking right through "...the five percent who can't get job's....." that were congrating outside of Wrigly Field.................one grizzled old guy saw me in the throngs, chuckled and said "y'r their only lover"....................great quote and memory....................................since were on the subject of baseball instead of soccer (more of that below) ::: Always, any baseball game i go to I make a point of wearing the Silver and Black, just so those watching on tv see and think "hey, kool, Sox Fan in Oakland/Detriot/New York Mets /Milwukee/ Chicago Cubs / Oakland/ New York Yankees/San Francisco etc..." like I do when i see it on tv. I must admidt, i felt bad for cub fans this years, and although i went to 2 cubs games i refrained from being Mr. Sox, just having a dash of Sox on me. I really wanted to get a reaction, though, just so i could stay silent and put up the #1 finger..........................................no one said anything , though............................well, there's always next year !!
Next game in mexico==Sunday @ 5, univision (CH 66).......America only needs to win by 2 to advance, and its @ Azteca Stadium, so here's hoping.......................

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