26 December, 2006


Saw the play Lulu @ the Chicago Cenetr for the Performing Arts w/ gf Saturday nite. I'm no superplay person, but I do try and make it to some plays. This was a play that had its opening a while agoand i't registered with me then. After a tour of the country, it came back to give the chance to watch it.
It's based on the Louise Brooks 1920's character from such films as 'Pandora's Box'. I'm not going to go on about its background because i don not knew and i have a dentist appt. in 25m, so look it up yr self. However, Lulu was put out by the Silent Theatre Company of Chicago, and they did well. The conceit wasn't lulu, but the feel of a silent film being presented on stage. I'm sure other groups have done this through time, but this play ws top- notch. Gf and i were on a great great high after witnessing this play. We agreed it was the best play we'd ever seen in out 1 1/2 year to-gether, and we had hit a few. the olde agade of theathe is that only one of three plays generally are good, and less than that great. I'd second that %.
So : No dialouge. To begin and end the play, flickering light on and off, like the old film. Live piano, just like the film!! Colours all black/white/grey. Lots of whiteface. Lots of slap stick/physical comedy. Lots of dansing. And a good cast with characters, like the bald headed doctor, that are of that time and place.
The dominating figure, and what a figure , was Lulu. Think Louise Brooks in the day. I hate to admidt it, but I always love a play more when there is good eye candy. She was the best. beautiful girl. Great costumes to cover that wonder figure. The haircut. The dansing. the faked copulation. The faked oral copulation. The taking off of her panties (i'm sure she had a second pair there). The kissing of other sexy women. Just her overall sluttiness wonderess goodness. Yum. Loved it.
There was lots of dansing in the play. My second favourite character was Rodrigo, the obvious real danser in the group (his part had to some with the headline : DANCER NEEDED). He was one of her lovers by way of meeting in one of the productions designed for her. He was responsible for one of the funniest part in the play. After showing off hissuperior dansing @ all times during the play (like to get the part, get Lulu, show his superiority over the other men, etc..., he was caught (with 3 others) w/ Lulu by the jealous Dr. w/ armed with gun. All made their escape because the Dr. only had his murderous eyes for Lulu, but Rodrigo's retreat, sheepishly dancing off the stage, was a killer. Boy, I'm never not amazed by artists, whatever, their field.
Lulu= great.

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