02 December, 2006

le dernier nuite

Went wit gf to a local bar/eatery last nite.................^^^^^
x...........My Dad was the cheapest dude on the face of the world, and i've tried to take after him (no doubt about it= Dad was the Ultimate Man in my book, slightly ahead of Jesus and Malcom X in my pantheon of Hereos - God bless yr soul father for all I've picked up from you and darn mine for all ive not) but I usually can't succeed (ive wasted THOUSANDS...............Now don't get me wrong, his cheapness sometimes went to far (i grew up in a 'crowded x 9' house and i just LOVE my space these days, and in '87 or so dad refused to heat my room in the back porch and forced me downstairs to the already heated basement...............still, well, disapointed about that....)............x
^^^^^..................we went to Quigleys, and I used a 2 for one coupon (aye, now you understand the discourse 'bout Dad)..................they had a bar band playing, and i had a cider and some good grub (finished the whole plate, a rarity for me)................the band played (want to write 'waltzing matilda', the funny facets of conditioned !) classic rock stuff like 'hey bull dog' and 'life during wartime' (wait-is this considered classic rock-nah, not yet @ least-maybe next year), and i was reminded...
...of that time on the last day of finals in'82 when i went down St. Galls neighbourhood to hang wit that crowd.......my connexion was rory durkin, but i used to hang a lot with Gall grads who went to Rita H.S............................we were 16, buying drinks in a corner bar, and both listening to Jagger and metaphysically listening to jagger ..............the bar band there , i remember, was playing some stones-jjFlash was the one i remember..........................and it brings me also to the same era, when being 16 was NO OBSTICLE to buying beer in the outfield stands @ Comisky..............
ok,ok, there was last nite, my dad, 1987, 1982, 1982 again...............im not too scatterbrained, am I ??
Another post on the http://dachicagosports.blogspot.com/ , i make a point of being legible, but here..........................Hey, I'm Borat !!! )

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