01 December, 2006

the dreaded snow day

had fun driving to school.............................the normal 20m ride took.....................35 ....not bad .............................the day was hectic beuond belief, but when all is done and the work that needed to be done is completed, it feels really good..........................one of our co-werker is leaving and another is coming back monday, so the emotions are mixed..............good as i am, 'i am but a fledgeling, still learning to fly' and i learned heavy metric tonnes from our departing cowerker ; she was a great influence on me and great fer da werkeplace. The werker returning monday is also someone just great, so its great to get her back...................................i'm a bit too sentimental and while its a good thing, it can sometimes get in the way.....as the Joker/Lipton put it: "you like yr past too much"............i'm a bit too obsessed with the past, the only time ever looking forward was when i coached my various soccer teams= then i became obsessed with the development of these players and the team as a unit.............a bit too obsessed with that.....NAH !!!
werked from the moment i got here till 20m ago...................................good

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